When I first started WILD i didnt even have HI. Now i keep getting these swirls of color afte rim relaxed and they keep on swirling and swirling. The problem is they dont stop, thye never turn into anything more than swirls. What is my problem, i think i may be too inrested in them and therefore prevent them from developing mabey. The web site says im sopposed to see…
"The hypnagogic state occurs on the border between waking and sleeping. It can be anything from colored dots to flashes of color or complete images. As you keep paying attention to it they will develop into more detailed images and if you stay aware you will find yourself inside your dream. "
I do keep paying attention to them but they do not devlop into more detailed images. For the last three hours, a lot longer than it felt, I watched these immaged and feeling like i wasted my day… So how do I do this right? I have tried counting but often forget and for a good 30mins i just kept counting, or listening to ringing, or paying attention to my body but nothing worked. What should i do?
I think you’re concentrated too much and not letting yourself fall asleep, because obviously you have to be asleep to have a LD and you can’t sleep if you’re that focused.
hey thx for tip, i think that is my problem, i have been focusing on breathing mainly with counting breaths, but also allowing thoughts to go through head. So ill try to concentrate just a little on breathing and close out my thoughts and tell u how it goes.
What you describe is not hypnagogic imagery. Those dots, which may sometimes swirl, are phosphenes. HI are complete images.
I agree with mdjr, you’re concentrating too much. You can focus on what you want, counting, repeating a sentence or seeing phosphenes. But HI appears when you are quite falling asleep. So the difficulty is trying to fall asleep - what is the main thing - while staying just concentrated enough so that you don’t lose consciousness.
If you focus too much, you can stay awake looking at phosphenes for hours, without any results.
Ya, my problem is i cant seem to let go and lose most my conscious. Its eating me up cause I just tell myself “let go” and mabey i will for a few seconds but thoughts arise in my head a little more. and they keeep comming when i push them out.
Don’t worry. It’s not only common, it’s absolutely normal. The only thing you can do is not getting worked up. As soon as thoughts come back and you realize it, you focus again on your practice, they will come back, you focus again, etc.