Alright, we all know that when its a 3rd person dream, its usually harder to go lucid? And I hate to say, but MOST of my dreams are in 3rd person. I was thinking to myself what could help solve this, and then it came to me! Everytime you see yourself in a mirror, or some reflective object, ask yourself if you are dreaming! I havent had any DR since I thought of that RC< but when I do, I think I’ll go lucid for sure If this has already been posted, sorry, if not, I feel special XD
Well, yes, but then why would you see a mirror in 3rd person when you watch people? If you’d ever remember to RC, you’d notice you didn’t have any arms to RC with!
Im talking, 3rd person, for yourself, not watching anyone else. and yes, that would be the plan
But would there be anything in the mirror…? Would it be seeing your body in the dream, or whatever you’re currently inhabiting…?
Because if you did an RC IRL to make sure you HAD hands and arms and such, that might work. But I don’t understand the mirror thing. Probably because I didn’t wake up too long ago…
i think what he means is, that he’ll look in the mirror in real life alot and ask him self if hes dreaming when he sees the reflection, and since he views his dreams from a 3rd person point of view, he would see him self in the dream and ask him self if hes dreaming. it could work if done right, nice idea
Yeah, you understand
feels stupid Okay, I get it now…
I think this could be helpful…
I think it could too. It’d be a good RC by itself, because it’s fairly common to see a reflection of yourself, but if you have mostly 3rd person dreams it’d work great, I think. Good work!
Anybody else have comments? x.x
God i hate having 3rd person dreams soo much…
I dont have third person dreams unless I’m dreaming about video games, which I noticed an increase of lately . I think I’m just going to start doing an RC every time I play a game because at least one part in one dream every night involves something from a game.
My question though is what happens when you go lucid in a 3rd person dream? does your body suddenly materialize or do you remain 3rd person able to change what you are watching?
My theory is that your always in your body, you just dont see it, and your looking at a brain recording =P.