possibly WILD tech..?

Im relatively new to lucidity but have achieved it several times, but find it easiest and clearest if i get some one to knock me out…like if u force urself to faint n count backwards from ten i fall into the dream (without landing…) anyone else try this?

sounds dangerous, how do you “force yourself to faint” or knock yourself out?

its easier to do with a friend but basically get someone to strangle u til ur eyes roll back, or learn to do it to urself.was doing it as foreplay n started LDing…

i don’t know if i’d recommend that… i’ve heard there’s dangers in doing that, you can damage your brain from what i understand. be careful with that one

It’s really dangerous. You can’t imagine how many people die due to strangulation “games”.

were careful n theres usually more than just us two there anyway :razz:. but seriously is there a better way to get knocked out to induce LD?

Wow, thats really stupid! :eek:
You know how many braincells you kill everytime you faint?
But I reckon that you don’t have that many anyway if you think it’s a good way to induce LD. :razz:

Just read the WILD-topic here on the forum or try the wiki-book;

ld4all.com/forum/?https://forum.l … .php?t=311
