powerful alpha brainwave breathing for WILD

this breathing is really powerful it helped me stay in the hypnagogic state for a long time

i found this breathing technique on youtube and i did it a lot before going to bed

it should make sense when you watch it, it is rapid exhale/inhale left nose, switch, rapid exhale inhale right nose, switch
5-6 rounds, til you get to where you can do it comfortably for longer

it makes your mind VERRRRRY relaxed and it puts you into a floating feel good state

I don’t get how to do it.
Is it cover you left nostril and breath in then cover you right nostril and breath out.
Or do you cover your left nostril breath in and breath out then cover you right nostril and breathin and breath out.

Please help


it is , cover your right nostril , exhale , inahale

fast ,
then switch to the right nostril, and do the same, exhale inhale, FAST
then left, then right,

try it with just one side first, out in , it sounds like a train building up steam, OUT IN , pretty fast, not violent or anything like that but you are sniffing , out in ,

OUT IN left
OUT IN right
OUT IN left,

feels best to start and end with the left,

it balances your brain hemispheres very quickly , you feel very good