Powers of the unconscious mind

I was just about to open my windows media player playlist, and as I was about to open it, I just started craving this song so much. I was really in a mood in which if I would hear it I would feel really satisfied. The problem is that my playlist had over hours of music, and If I heard another one first, or If I took a little bit longer the moment would be lost and I wouldnt like to here that song.

So I just opened the playlist, and there it is! the song I wanted to hear was the first to play out of like hundreds of songs. Now that that just happened, I sort of remember how its happened to me other times, I just get this feeling that I want that song really much, and it happens to play next. Sometimes I just feel that I am unconsciously guiding the playlist, but I dont know.

This sort of reminds me of photoreading of how you can just open a book to the page you previously photoread, but how would it work in a computer? What does the mind do? or is it just pure coincidence? What do you all think?

I’d have to say pure coincidence, as i don’t believe in this sort of mind powers thing. However the amount of times i’ve thought of a song and then its played on the radio or had those wierd days where you just seem to know whats going to happen next, makes me think, there may be more to it than just coincidence, despite the fact that logic and reason say otherwise…

I know what you are talking about. I often know what is gonna happen in life and many times guessed things right that were mystery but I said to myself “its like that im sure” and in few days or weeks it turned out to be just like I thought. I think I dood at deducting (sp?) things and that is why I guess things right so often.

My sister is able to do a wierd thing with the radio. I could be talking to her casually and all of a sudden she’s like, “Oh! My song’s on!!” Then she runs to the living room and turns on the radio and what do you know? The song is playing. She does that with the TV too. It’s not like we have a clock in our room either.

Maybe she had a guide? People’s internal clocks can be very accurate too. Mine’s good to within 1 minute or so. I’ll regulairly look at the clock precisily on the hour or 1/2 hour when I’m doing something. Note, I can’t see the clock from where I sit at all.

I would say the mind! The mind is definately a complex misunderstood valuable thing that can and should be used to do things just like this. Try branching this ‘ability’ onto other things like when you arrive at the shops there will be a car space waiting for you, then when you walk into the shops they will have exactly what your looking for, there will be no queue, you will meet that person you are dying to meet, etc, etc.
I do it at work, get all my fav. songs to play on the radio… now if only i could use my mind to increase the figure in my bank account :grin:

Nah but seriously, try it all the time with everything… traffic lights, traffic in general, anything you can think of… it should work at least 50% of the time :grin:

In the mean time try and get the circle to go in the box by manipulating the randomly generated numbers by downloading this: freewebs.com/eonnn/typ.zip

I’ve done that before, thinking I’d listen to one song and having it come up as the first one. Though I’d say it’s likely just coincedence too, since I’ve never had it happen again after that, except when the playlists are only ~20 songs long. And even then it’s a long shot… Though I have done this with songs on the radio a few times.

Out of curiosity, which song? I think mine was a Beatles song, that or maybe Queen…

The answer is Law of Attraction.

“Whether You Think You Can or Can’t, You’re Right”
–Henry Ford