Prayer and other ideas

I figure if you want to do lucid dreams and I do also I have some ideas that may help.

  1. Try to pray and see if God can help you. I dont see how that could hurt your chances. It would also be a good thing to do for yourself.

  2. Get out and do different things besides sit behind the computer. Like go shopping, fishing, travel, and places you havent been to yet. It will open your mind up to different things.

These are just some of the ideas that I think you help. Im still working on lucid dreams and I think this web site is great.

Number 2 good but number one sucked. Since god does not exist and if he did he would not help you unless you whre rich

let’s not turn this into a " does god exist discussion" . - go to philosopher’s cloud for that. Please respect each others beliefs.

What Q said…

I haven’t tried praying for LDs, but I may try praying for Dream Recall…:slight_smile:

And the part about having an open mind’s great. I’ll have to get off my computer and try doing something new for a change xD

My first real lucid dream which was the most incredible lucid dream I’ve ever had as I floated from room to room for what seemed like hours, occurred after I had prayed all day long, not asking for help, but merely giving thanks for the help I was going to get that night, so in my case prayer really helped.

Not really sure if this was just a lucid dream as it seemed like an astral projection also, but when I floated back down into my body, in my third eye I could see a beautiful young gal with long blonde hair still floating above me, possibly a guardian angel. So I definitely had help with the experience.

Excellent suggestion Nice Dream. :smile:

These are definitely great ideas.

There has been some discussion on praying before on here (right?); some think that it’s a little immoral to pray for something that you can acheive on your own. But I figure, as long as you’re not begging God, just maybe a suggestion or two (and thanks in advance like iadr said), it couldn’t hurt.

Change of setting’ll really jog up your dreams too. Even if they’re not lucid, they’ll still be pretty different and exciting.

Yeah there was a discussion before and I don’t think anybody said it was necessarily “immoral” to pray for a lucid dream but thanking him for the chance to have one might work better.

hahaaha!!, nice point of view…