Hey, I’m new, I’ve been reading about lucid dreams for a while now, and the only technique that seems to work for me to get into a lucid dream is a WILD, but my problem is every time I realize I’m lucid I wake up… I’ve been reading about all of your great experiences, so a little help would be appreciated, thanks!
There are various methods to prolong a LD such as rubbing your hands, focus on certain dream objects, spinning, touch a dream object,… Whether or not these methods effectively helps, depends from person to person. So try them all out and see what works best for you. Your thoughts are ofcourse very important in these situations: if you’re already thinking the dream will end anyway, most methods won’t help very much. You must really believe you’re able to prolong the LD and keep it stabilized. This mental belief structure will then (hopefully) be translated into a stabilization of the dream.
Also, when you’re only just starting on LDing, it’s pretty normal that you’re experiencing frequent premature awakening. Give it time, and when you gain more experience, when your mind becomes more and more adapted to the new lucid state of mind, your LDs will naturally increase in length.
Hope this helps a bit.
Good luck
Mystic is right about spinning/rubbing hands.
The most likely reason you wake up is that you are so excited that you have finally reached lucidity!! This happened to me MANY-a-time before I was able to control my excitement.
Before you go to bed, try imagining you doing a reality check and becoming lucid. Then imagine yourself looking at your hands and calmly rubbing them. This will make it more likely that in your dream you will not lose control. After that you’re free!!!
Good luck!