Prevention of LD?

Hi, I was wondering if there is any action that’d prevent LDs. I mean, some habit, something like that. Who knows, I might be doing something that’s stopping me from LDing :happy:.

caffine, sleeping pills, obsession(i have to work on this one :razz:), loud alarms

Hmmm lemme see them:
Caffeine :hyper: - 0% check
Sleeping Pills - None… check
Obsession - Uh… a bit…
Loud Alarms - None, check

Well, 3 out of 4 ain’t so bad. Also, it’s not much of an obsession :smile: :yay:

Interesting, I drink caffeine all the time and still LD.


  1. poor sleep habits (as in not getting enough sleep or have an irregular sleep pattern)
  2. Alcohol and drug use in general. (Not lecturing or judging just saying that if you use try not to before bed)
  3. Yes, some sleeping pills will completely kill your ability to lucid dream. Ambien is one that will. I have personal experience with that one. However, some other sedatives are not as bad for lucid dreaming.
  4. Stress
  5. not taking induction methods such as reality checks seriously
  6. Thinking that lucid dreaming is hard!

Well speaking of poor sleep habits, I just looked at the time and it is 1:17 AM so I am off to bed. If I can think of more things I will post them tomorrow.

:slight_smile: I’m glad. Apparently I’m all fine. I don’t go sleep too late everyday, and the only other possible problem would be a bit too much of interest. Other than that I’m fine :happy: :happy: :happy:

i dont think there are habbits or things like that, i think it is just the person. you will have one sooner or later.

number 5 on milods list is the most important i would say.

i completely disagree with number 1 and number 2 though.

i usually get to bed around 4am and wake up around 11am-1pm. that is an irregular sleeping pattern but i am gifted with what i consider remarkable dreams and dream recall. and sometimes i am lucky enough to have lucid dreams.

and number 2, i find some of my most crazy vivid dreams are under the influence of alcohol or some kind of drug. continous drug use is not good for dreams or dream recall i would say.

do as milod said, take induction methods and especially take your rc’s seriously. they do work. you will have some ld’s sooner or later.


Insomnia doesn’t hurt too much, or I’d never have any LDs. :tongue:

Doing any (illegal) drugs in general will probably mess with recall/Lucid Dreaming.

Its not that its more difficult to LD when you do drugs , its jus that dream recall decrease like hell and its more difficult to know that you are in a dream and go lucid.

It cut too the REM sleep in half when you do like marijuana. Its so bad. Thats why I have so bad dream recall at time.