Primrose oil

Lately I’ve been taking evening primrose oil, because I get itchy when I get out of the shower and I found an article in a magazine which said this helps. For the last few months before hand I’ve been having terrible dream recall, but since I’ve started taking evening primrose oil I’ve remembered a long, vivid dream each night. The first one actually took up 5 pages in my dream diary!

I don’t know, it could be just a coincidence because I’ve only been taking it for about the last 2 weeks, not quite long enough to establish a proper correlation, but if anyone else takes it and has noticed something similar, please let me know.

Thanks Syphex for mentioning that :cool_laugh: , I get itching too sometimes after showering. Now I just have to figure out what primrose oil is in Swedish or Finnish…

Wasn’t that hard at all to find out what it was, it took about 10 seconds using google :cool: Just search for Oenothera biennis (latin name (I think))

Well, I started taking Evening Primrose Oil 3 or 4 months ago (central heating dries my skin up so I hate this time of year :eh: ) - it hadn’t occured to me that there might be a connection, but the reason I started taking an interest in LDs again was that I am having (-remembering) more dreams than usual recently.

Actually, I do kind of remember reading somewhere that GLA (the active ingredient in evening primrose) also helps with dream recall, so maybe there is a connection?

You might want to try Starflower Oil too (or instead) - this contains a much higher concentration of GLA than ev. primrose so should help more both ways.

Also, try taking a vitamin B complex supplement (such as Brewers Yeast, which I take) - B vitamins are really important for skin health and ALSO (I think?) are associated with better dream recall/ more vivid dreaming, so again should help in both respects.

Other things I take (for healthy skin rather than dreaming now) are Omega 3 fish oil capsules (yumm!!) and lots of extra virign olive oil, poured over just about everything I eat… hope some of that helps! :content: