Problem remembering.

I have this problem with remembering that it’s a dream. I keep doing these reality-checks in real life but when I fall into a dream, I can never remember to do reality-checks, then I wake up in the middle of the night and think “D’oh, I forgot to reality-check” and then I realy realy focus on remembering that when I fall asleep, I will know that is a dream. But as soon as I fall asleep again, I can’t remember a thing about it.
Anyone got any good suggestions?
thanks in advance.

Welcome to the forums! It sometimes happens to me when something odd happens to do a RT, but you train yourself during the waking hours to do these. Anything odd you may see you should do a RT, and normaly about 3-7 an hour gets you in the habit of doing them. Don’t give up, its not that hard, and try MILD at first, then when you get a bit better do WILD so you can transfer from wake-to-dream consiously. Good luck!

Allright! Thanks for the tips!
I’ll keep working with the RC’s! We’ll see tonight if I’ll achieve LD or get a bit closer to it atleast :smile:

don’t get frustrated, and most importantly don’t give up. persistence is key when you’re starting out, it all comes down to practice. if you keep at it you’ll get it, sounds like you’ve been doing the right thing… so keep at it!

I used to have the same problem when I started practising lucid dreaming. I would do reality checks in real life, but then forget about them in my dreams.

The key thing is to keep doing the checking, because it will carry over to your dreams eventually. Next time something weird happens in your dreams, you will do your checks and you will become lucid…just a matter of time.

Also remember to not just reality check, but to question reality and objects around you in general.

Thanks alot for your tips! I have not thought about the thing about questioning reality and such but I will work hard on that to and I’ll let you guys know when I succeed :smile:

Aquiering a couple of dreamsigns is also a good idea.

Basically, you scan your DJ for things that happen frequently, then you start doing RCs everytime those happen in RL (could be hard in the case of you’r father turning into a carrot, but not for seeing water).

Excerpr from “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming” by Stephen LaBerge and Howard Rheingold:

[size=75]No approval of posing this excerpt has been given by anybody. Remove if neccecary.[/size]

Yekes :smile: Kinda have the same problem there dude. :cool_laugh: Going to practise hard now and do RC 10-15 in the day. :happy: Good luck :wink:

try masterbating before bed and smoking a cigarette

This is an extremely important point!! If you do RCs very quickly without really paying close attention to them, you probably need to practice a lot more than when you really question reality during the RC. Because, this is what RCs are about: to increase your critical attitude, which in return enables you to recognize the illusion of the dream more easily. So whenever you do a RC, try not to think “hey, I already know I’m awake… does RC see? I told you…”. No, that’s the wrong way. Instead, imagine very strongly that you’re dreaming right now. Really try to believe that and than do your RC from that point of view (because this will be the context during which you also want to make the RC work in your dream). Consider everything you see, hear, feel, smell, taste as constructed by your own mind, like in a dream. Imagine you can control it. Rub your hands to stabilize it, as if you were truly in a dream. Then you can do several tests, like reading a paper, checking the light or your watch. One of my favorite tests is checking my ability to put a finger through a mirror or wall: slowly move your finger towards the mirror/wall, while strongly believing that you’re able to put your finger through it because after all, you’re dreaming, right? Push it against the wall, and if it doesn’t work, try again while imagining it even more strongly. If it doesn’t work, do some other tests, like testing gravity. In the end you can conclude that you’re truly awake after all.
This may seem exaggerated, but it works better to increase your critical attitude, then when you do RCs for only 5 seconds, all day long…

Hope this helps!

Good luck :happy:

Thanks alot for the tip mystic!
I’ve been training this for a while now and now when I do it, I have more checks with my senses, like for example, I check a lamp (if its a table-lamp) I turn it on and then off, then I feel it to feel the heat, and stuff like that…I’m going to practice hard on RC’s and hopefuly I’ll be able to LD soon :smile:


I completely agree with you on that one. I have been saying the same thing for some time now.

If you do what mystic says, don’t be surprised if one night you just suddenly realize you are dreaming. You will just feel it.

The only thing I would add to what Mystic said is:

If you are new to lucid dreaming do these reality tests a lot during the day. The more often you do them the better.

But too frequent RC are not very good either. You cannot really believe you are dreaming if you have already proven the opposite ten minutes ago.
It is also bad, because needs some sort of continuity of mind. You do a RC because you prepared to it after you have done the previous RC… They are triggered but themselves, not by an outer oddity or inner feeling. But inside a dream, you have no continuity, you don’t remember what you did before going asleep.
I think, one RC an hour is quite enough, but it is easier to say than to do. I either do them every five minutes or forget about them at all… That’s why I am still a beginner.


I have not thought about it that way, you have a point in what you are saying.
I have been doing serious RC’s for the last few days, and I do them about 30 times / day. I can still not figure out that I’m dreaming…I’ll try to do them just once every hour and see how that works out.
Thanks for the tip :smile:

Hey, I didn’t say I really know what is the best! :shy: 30 RCs is a number, mentioned by many people knowing much more than me. I just meant that the probability of having a LD doesn’t increase constantly if you do from 0 to 20000 RC, but who knows, where the optimum is?

He he ! It could be a good Lucid Laboratory experiment ! :smile: