Last few days I have problem how to become full lucid.
I sleep and I start to dream, then I “figure out” that this is a dream.
But then I can’t become full lucid, because I’m not completely sure is it a dream, because “picture/image” are blurred, and I can’t see my watch or even my hands to do RC. I try to see my hands but they becom blurred, and somehow “picture/image” is like when I day-dream (vizualize).
Visualization and LD are different for me. LD is full clear, like when I’m awake, but day-dreaming (visualization) is not that clear at all - I need to force my self to get anything.
And I can feel my real body (*), but I also see dream story, blurred but I can see what is going on in it/story.
(*)breathing, muscle tension if I want, I can swallow, and I can wake up if I want
For example, I did wake up few times when I swallow, or when I tension any muscle
So, please can anyone help me what to do to become full lucid?