Problem's awakening

Hi, today in the afternoon, after lunch i take a quick nap (1:30 hour), and since almost 1 month i didn’t have a lucid dream, but this was the afternoon.
All was okay i met i new girl in my dream and went walk with her.
But the we found a woman and she started to talk about dreams, then I said to her that reality was indeed a dream and my all my dream go crazy, my head hurt me for 2 seconds and then all went normal, i continue talking with them, the girl an d the woman.
The real problem happened when I woke up…
I opened the eyes and thought: ‘mm better continue to sleep, no, better go look for my best friend’…, so my wish were to awake, but something in my head just wished me to remain in the dream, I felt really bad and I fought with this kind of flow, i thought i could go crazy (no kidding) or remain such a vegetal for the rest of my life, or die;finally i woke up really scared and my cervelletto was really killing me.

Someone plz tell me what could had happenned?, I had this kind of experience before with less intensity, but this time it really freaks me out, and i’m very concerned about it.

Thx anticipated.

It was probarly a false awakening.

They are completely normal and they usually occur when you have a lucid dream. ( At least for me )

And false awakening is a dream where you wake up in your bed completely normal, unaware that it’s a dream all the time.

If you do a reality check every time you wake up, you might get lucid once you get another false awakening.