Progress with WILD, but need help.

Hey guys, last night I woke up at 3:30 so I thought I’d try WILD, I went back to sleep, I got a tiny bit of HI, then I got SP. Then I sat there for a while, then I felt like I was swinging around really fast, my heart beat really fast each time, and my breathing became fast. The feeling went away, then I got it back, I got scared again, then slowly I got less and less vivid HI, then I lost SP, and I felt awake. I’ve done this two times now, how can you stop your heartrate going so high when you dream?

It’ll go away as you get used to it. Be glad you get there at all. I guess the only thing you can really do is to be prepared. Tell yourself beforehand to remain calm when you get there.

I got the same as well with my first WILD (two night ago), so hopefully it’ll get better in time. Good luck! :smile:

I do have some of the same problems, and in my opinion, I think the fast heart rate might be out of excitement. Just try to remain calm and with practice, you’ll get the hang of it. I actually tried WILD this morning, and came so close to becoming Lucid, but it was only a pre-lucid dream.

My friend was talking to me in the dream and said, “I should have called you so I could say you were dreaming…” And I didn’t realize or ask myself why I was in the middle of a forest lying down on a blanket after that O.o; And he was typing to me as well, wich made it more strange lol.

Haha, the thing is, I manage my excitement very well, when I lay down, I struggle with breathing a lot. And when I swing about I get confused.

Some people may claim that swinging sensation is your astral body starting to seperate from your real body. I have no idea if this is some true stuff or not. But that’s what I’ve been told :tongue:

lol, I don’t believe in OOBEs.

The farthest I’ve ever gotten with WILD was to a point where I felt slight SP and slight trouble breathing. And, how do i decribe it… Not really HI because I know what’s coming next before it happens. More like a visual stream-of-consciousness… The only HI I got was a brief flash of light and a little buzzing.

My question is, I attempt this as often as possible, but this happened the first night I tried and I haven’t gotten even close to this level again since. Is that a common problem? :confused:

Yes, that is a very common problem wiht WILD. It can not be said enough, WILD is difficult. Unless you are one of the lucky people that hit on just the right steps on the first try, you have to spend a lot of time finding out what works for you. Some people don’t have any form of HH, for others it is the only way that they can get an LD with WILD. Some people never have SP, for others it is the door to LD’s. Some people have some success the first night and then go for weeks/years befor any further success, or it never works for them. With WILD you will probly spend a lot of time just finding the right combination of tired/wakefulness, paying attention to HH, ignoring HH, when to try it, when you first go to bed, after a few hours of sleep, or napping in the afternoon, if music/an induction cd/backgroud sound helps or stops you from getting an LD. Each of these things could help or hinder an LD, or be irrelvent for you. There are just so manny things that you may have to try befor you find what works for you.
With MILD, or RC’s and DILD on the other hand, what you do is relitively simple. You just have to work on it, and learn to be convincing to yourself :smile: if you can do that, then it will work. You do not have to worry so much about if you are doing it right.