Psycological tricks!

I’ve wondered if any of you know of any tricks or cool ideas that you can use to fool people and live life easier.

For example i notice that when i walk down a busy street i have to keep moving from side to side avoiding the oncoming people. Well, i’ve thought of a way to solve this problem and it works almost every time. All you have to do is don’t look forward. Well, it doesn’t have to be totally left or right, you can just look to the side a little, so that you can use your periferial vision to avoid inanimate objects (or someone else doing the same thing as you)
This works because the natural instinct is to look where you are going and thats what people do, if they see a danger (you not looking where you are going) then they will move away.

This is a quick way to naviagte a busy walkway and gets you where you want to go. :grin:

PS watch out for blind people. :cool:

Another thing i’ve noticed is that when you are walking down an empty street and there is someone coming in your direction it can be uncomfortable because you don’t know where to look and you will actually look at the ground a few steps before you pass one another. The moment you pass you look up at normal eye level. Something you can do is to just look at normal eye level straight past them as if they aren’t even there! :eek:

Try this and if anyone can think of any more tricks, please post them!