Question about a quite odd experience.

I first started hearing about this not too long ago and go interested and gave it a try for the first time last night. I did relaxing excercizes then counted my breathing and told myself im dreaming. I felt myself slip into the stage thats right before dreaming. I did not see any colored dots or objects but got a really strange feeling. It felt as if my brain was shaking or tingling or vibrating or something like that. I stayed calm because I could still hear myself saying your dreaming. I then woke up completely after a few seconds or so it seemed. Does anyone know what happened?

Believe it or not, you were just falling asleep. That is one of the pieces to achieving WILD. Your relaxation techniques made your body ready to sleep, but you were still somewhat conscience after repeating “I’m dreaming.”

You can try WILD again if you believe you can achieve it, or you can try MILD if you didn’t like the feeling.

I’m pretty sure I will be able to achieve it. This was my first try and I almost did so I was pretty impressed at myself that I could make it that far. The feeling didnt bother me though because I knew it had something to do with dreaming. If I wasnt repeating “Im dreaming” it probably would of freaked me out. Thanks.

Wow, nice start! That’s way better than my tries with WILD. :wink:

How much longer after that weird feeling would I start to dream?

It varies from person to person. For me, after that stage the feeling becomes intense and feels almost uncomfortable. Then I feel a sensation like rolling off the bed or something along those lines. If you fall asleep easily I would say 20 minutes or so after where you were until your dreaming. But I could always be wrong. :content:

That’s the part where it stops for me.

I have a new problem! I keep falling asleep and not staying concious.

Before you go to bed, it’s a good idea to tire your body, but sharpen your mind. Exercise is a good way to get yourself tired, and get a nice workout as well. Before bed, do some reading about LDing or do a word search/crossword puzzle. Remember the “I’m dreaming” phrase you keep thinking. WILD is techinque that requires everything to be perfect. You need to balance your mental awareness with your state of relaxation. That’ll take you further with WILD.