Question About Hypnagogic State

Last night, I stumbled upon lucid dreaming, and decided that I wanted to try to induce it myself. After a loong night, I finally was able to accomplish it. However, during the hypnagogic state, I felt as if I had to fight to keep my conscious mind from being severed as I was falling asleep and my body began tingling and feeling really heavy. Also, I felt like I had to breathe manually during that state. Is this all normal?

Anyways, in my dream I had some control over what happened, mostly by thinking about something and having it appear. At one point, I wanted to know the meaning of my existance (or something like that) and a voice said something about look in the criminal records of a city called Corach or something like that. Then I lost control of my dreams as I imagined that it was the Devil who was speaking with me and I woke up from fear. Weird huh?

On the first try huh? That’s impressive. Congratulations!
Wich method did you use?
The tingling and heavyness is very common. The breathing thing is normal i guess. Breathing can feel different in the hypnagogic state. The mind being severed I enterpret as losing consciousness wich is what is supposed to happen naturally as you fall asleep. It takes effort to remain conscious.
You had dream control from the start, that is good.