Question about LD's

Hey all, Im new to these boards and pretty excited to start Lucid Dreaming. I have been trying for a long time, ever since I found an article about 2 years ago about how to control your dreams. So far ( I havent persued it with much effort, but am hoping to start) I have had only two lucid–states-- I guess where I know I am dreaming but it just seems to fade away, and in one of those instances (Last Week) I was trying to look at my hands but it just faded into black and I lost the dream all together. Anyway, my question was, when you are actually in the act of lucid dreaming how real does it seem? Because when I have dreams I can only remmeber like fragments of them and they are not really detailed, but when you are lucid can you remember it like it actually happened and does it seem like it actually happened? Thanks.


That is indeed the case with high level lucid dreams for me!
They seem as vivid as waking life, and are usually much easier to remember than normal dreams. They seem easier to remember if wake up right after the lucid dream, instead of just losing lucidity and going into another dream.

I second tomases post.
For me however I have only had one high level LD. It is vivid as ever. I could see detail,taste,feel,and think with a conscious mind. But I was lucid ALL NIGHT,my concsiousness was switching from really high to low level lucidity (probably because im still new) and my recall is pretty bad so I forgot most of the low parts when I awoke :cry:

I read someplace that once your really lucid. Your brain begins to connect with the dreamworld as it would the “outside world” it connects with the parts of the brain that remember and whatnot.