Splitted from the “Helpful Hints” topic
So, i have known about LD for awhile now, but i haven’t really had the chance to try techniques such as WBTB, and such because of school. But now it is summer, and last night I tried to become Lucid. I went to sleep, woke up 4 hours later, and went on this website and read about Lucid Dreaming. Then, about 45 minutes later, I went back to bed. Focusing on Knowing that i am dreaming. I couldn’t remember any dreams i recently had besides one (my most recent). So I kept imagining that one, because it was really odd.
I normally recall about 1 dream per night, and this is with waking up normally. As far as reality checks go, I do them whenever I remember, but sometimes that ends up being about 5-10 minutes after my most recent RC. When I do a RC, I ask myself, “Am I dreaming?” Then i look at my hands, and see that they are normal, then i either look at a digital clock, or at text (whichever is most handy). Then when I see that I am probably not dreaming, I try to imagine how it would be if I was dreaming. Does that seem right? I need tips on how I should go about doing techniques. Because I have been relying on faqs and the like, but those are usually definitions, and brief explanations.