I have a question about this technique. It’s is meant to help with WILD. I think it always contradicts itself, but since so many people recommend this I’m probably wrong.
It is said you need to ignore the roll-over signal when WILD-ing. If you do so your body will be paralysed and you will enter waking-SP
But for this technique you need to build op a roll-over signal and then actually roll over to speed up the falling asleep, thus ‘resseting’ the signal. Would anybody mind explaining this to me.
As far as I know, in theory, if you resist the roll over signal, you’ll enter SP. But that doesn’t mean it’s the only way to enter a WILD. The thing is, when you do roll over, it doesn’t reset completely, you don’t become 100% awake again, specially if you roll over gently and lazily… In my (little, mind you) experience with it, I fall asleep very quickly after rolling over, so the trick is to roll over and then remain aware. The signal lets you know you are really close to falling asleep, that in itself is a great thing, specially for people like me who simply can not resist the urge for too long as it becomes almost painful.