Question about the evil sleeping in a dream!!!!

Hi, Im new to this forum. I bought a book a few years ago on OOBE and never acheived it but did learn to dream lucid. I do have a question. I have had a real weird experience during dreaming. Sometimes It seems as if I have fell asleep while In a dream. When I wake up, I think its real, but I am still asleep, and waking up is actually a dream.
Whenever this happens there is always a very bad fear that comes over me. When I wake up(in the dream)it is like I am being attacked by some unseen force. Which usually grabs me so strong that I cant move. I feel like it is some kind of demon because the feeling of something very evil is present. I can feel it grab me. Other time I cant feel a thing, just a feeling of being paralyzed by an unseen force.Once I even remember when I woke up(in a dream)and I was levitated above the bed, spinning in circles while I could see lights spinning and flashing all around. Again that same evil presence was there. These are the only kind of dreams in which I feel the evil. Does anyone else have anything similar to this happen to them. I am a grown man, but when this happens and I really do wake up. I find I have been crying like a baby from fear. But, It doesnt make me want to quit dreaming. In fact, to me, a nightmare is better than no dream at all!!

Hello joe416,

The waking up but staying in a dream is called a Fals Awakening (FA). You can do RC’s when you wake up to test if you are still dreaming or that you are awake, and use it to become lucid. The evil presence you talked about is experienced also by a lot of people and is more commonly called the ‘old hag’ syndrome, where people feel some evil stuff is near them and scaring them a lot. I would suggest that you try to limit your fear (however that can be hard), just know that noone has really been attacked or hurt in any other way that by being scared, so whether there is something evil present or not, you will not be harmed. Also it seems to help a lot of you try and feel positive emotions to counter the fear (its the way i made all hags dissapear).

Hope this was usefull, good luck in dreaming :smile:

Very Unique. Its like you’re having a cross between the FA syndrome and the “Old Hag Syndrome”. The question I would ask is are you sure you are not awake when the Old Hag is occuring.

I ask this because typically what happens is you wake up prematurly in a dream and are still in REM paralysis and can’t move then since you just woke up you have a tendency to hallucinate and becuase you are scared the old hag becomes evil. Also check the Old Hag syndrome post in the Quest For Lucidity area.

Hi Joe416 !
It happend to me too, when I began to practise LDing. I had false awakenings, and it was so real that I believed I was fully awake (so it wasn’t really a LD).
But weird phenomena often happend : for instance, my bed was shaking, and I believed I was experiencing a poltergeist.
Luckily, I realized I was dreaming (and the bed stopped shaking). But there was an evil presence in my room (it was a sort of one meter high black stick, and it was jumping in the room). I was afraid but suddenly realize that it couldn’t hurt, and so I ask him who he was. He didn’t answer (I wonder how a stick could answer :smile: ) and then I wasn’t afraid at all. Then I flied through my window to visit the dream world.
The problem in your case is that you didn’t realize it was a dream. So, you can’t stop your fear and the nightmare continues. Next time, I hope you’ll become lucid ! :smile: