Do you have to be asleep for 5 hours before you can do WILD? I was searching on google about WILD and I came across a site that said you have to be asleep for 5-6 hours before you can do WILD.
Indeed. I definitely find it easier to accomplish after falling asleep first. It doesn’t necessarily have to be 5-6 hrs for me. Sometimes, it can be just about 5-10 minutes of sleep.
But don’t expect a WILD after 10 minutes. That’s nearly impossible it’s so hard. Do the WBTB + WILD method. Works 75.343348729789476519817508985217948759% of the time I suppose.
You guys are referring to the problem of falling asleep, but the thread starter is talking about that you have to sleep before it, to get directly in the dream, because of the REM state or something like that. Experts?
accoring to when go to the time of REM sleep, 5 - 6 hours of sleep makes it more likely that you will go sooner or almost directly to REM when you go back to sleep and REM sleep is the sleep wich you dream the most
We dream during other stages of sleep too. REM sleep just has the more vivid dreams. I think WILD is possible anytime while falling asleep. I’ve done it at all different times.
Everybody is right and I’ve the feeling they say quite the same thing:
“You don’t have to be asleep for 5 hours; it’s just a lot easier to accomplish this technique when you have been sleeping for a few hours.” (bzteam)
“It doesn’t necessarily have to be 5-6 hrs. Sometimes, it can be just about 5-10 minutes of sleep.” (MatrixManNe0)
“We dream during other stages of sleep too [than REM]. WILD is possible anytime while falling asleep.” (JesseRevis)
Thus it’s possible to WILD during REM or n-REM dreams. It’s more common during REM dreams. Some people experience SOREM (sleep onset REM) sleep thus it easier for them to WILD when they go to sleep. It’s probably the case of people who have natural SP. n-REM WILD is possible but it looks more like meditation, thus it’s harder to reach. All this makes it’s easier to WILD after having slept, especially if you have slept 5-6 hours.
Oh. I blame the internet for being retarded and making others have miscommunication.
Well, I’ve had WILD’s during naps (the last time I’d have gone to sleep would be about 7 hours prior to the nap), and my naps rarely last an hour when I WILD, let alone 90 mins (I usually feel refreshed and accomplished after having LD’s).
Also, looking into polyphasic sleep, each nap takes about 30 mins, and in these 30 mins people report having vivid dreams and even LD’s.
As to why this happens, I don’t know. I, too, read that the REM sleep happens in 90 minute intervals, yet people can still achieve LD’s in a fewer amount of time.
This is just statistics. Some people get REM sleep quite immediatly and it’s called SOREM sleep. It may happen when you’re sleep deprived, when you’re subject to SP trouble, when you take naps, etc. For instance, all the people who said on the forum that their eyes were twitching while WILD’ing were likely to experience SOREM sleep.
The 90 min’s are a cycle that you go through durring long sleeping periods, like at night when you sleep 5 to 8 hours. Generaly the first cycle of the night is mostly deep sleep without REM and dreams. This is just a general statement. There are people who dream in nREM sleep, and people who also go into REM faster, i.e. do not have a long period of deep sleep in the first cycle. Also if you are deprived of REM sleep, then you may go directly into REM when you go to sleep until you get enough again.
This means that in general, it is good to plan a WBTB after about 6 hours, that is two complete cycles, then you will be going into REM much earlyer in the next cycle.
In talking about sleep, the only thing that is 100% sure, is that it is different for everyone, and can be different from night to night for the same person.