Question about WILDing - Music ?

Does music kinda block out the strange noises & everything during the big exit or has anyone tried ?

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

What noises are you talking about? When I hear music in my dreams it is usually very beautiful, and happens during the thick of the dream rather than the come down (or better, yet, come up) taking place just before awaking.

What were you referring to?

like the strange noises that happen in the vibration stage of a WILD , will listening to music kinda block it out a little bit ?

Thats really Biased of a question…but HS can be influenced or altered by external music…at least in my experiances. but i have not been able to get rid of it. normally i like how it sounds though and its interesting for me so i just listen to it.

thats my 2 cents hope it helps

you have to realize that HS comes from inside you. No ammount of music is going to completely remove it

true, im just gonna try the binural beats :tongue: .

Better make sure the beats end by the time you enter a dream. Otherwise it won’t let you reach the dream state. Thats how its for me but everyone is different.

How about listening to them before you go to sleep? Will that do anything? I was looking at some songs on youtube and they said to listen to it for 15 or so minutes and then go to bed. One of them had a guy repeating stuff so its like burnt into your brain. I can NOT fall asleep with music going no matter how low. I doubt they would affect me at this point in my quest but it would be nice to know for future reference. (I don’t WILD but i figured since the topic was about beats)

well everyone’s diff. i have better luck listening to them while i go to sleep .

for me ive noticed when i have for example the tv on while trying to WILD the sound of it slowly fades out and i hear random HS anyway, so tv, music, etc just seems pointless for me anyway.