question on subliminal programs

OK i just downloaded this subliminal program… entitled subliminal messages, i chose 3 messages for it to use “I will remember my dreams.” “Am I dreaming?” and “I will know that I am dreaming” Now im just a little confused with the settings. It asks me to show message for blank processor cycles, ,and show message every blank seconds. First im wondering how much i should put in the processor cycles, , when i put 20000 it come sup for maybe a second or two, and i can clearly read it, and when i put it on for 4000 i can see a flash of the background color but no words, and when i put 1000 i can’t see anything, is 1000 good? Cause i heard you aren’t supposed to actually see anything, but i dont know if its actually coming up or not if i can’t see it… also it has checkboxes for me to check as to what part of the screen the messages will appear, again does that matter since i usually just focus on the middle, will the message still work if i click everything and aren’t able to see it and it isn’t even in my line of sight? thanks for ne help.(i also notice when i open a webpage and it overlaps it that i see it even when its at 1000 processor cycles, and sometime itll stick for a second or 2, ,is this defeating the purpose? can i not do anything on the computer that will overlap the possible places the messages will appear?)

Firstly, can I just compliment you on your username. Very tasteful. Secondly, you’re supposed to be able to see it, but not read it. I’d say 4000 sounds about right, or maybe a bit higher (5-6000?). It shouldn’t really be in your line of sight, but it doesn’t matter too much. also, “Am I dreaming” is probably not a good idea for a message. Your subconscious wants clear, simple, commands. Finally, what’s the name of this program? I might try it.

Ok i changed the Am i dreaming? one to “I will remember to do reality checks” is that better? Im also confident that 750 is a good speed, i switched the colors to a yellow background with black letters, so i do see it pop up but can’t read it…though something i worry about is when i load webpages or something sometimes the message will stick for a second or 2 and i can read it… from reading i know your not actually supposed to know what it said…isn’t making your own messages, or reading it when itll stick due to computer lag canceling out the effects of it?

The name of the program is subliminal message, you can search the boards for subliminal and it should come up on one of the messages… thats what i did.