I have set my computer up on a table at the head of my bed so I can use it to play .mp3 and .wav files. I unplug my monitor before I go to sleep because I am afraid that the radiation could harm me. However, I have been reading some stuff and am starting to wonder about the computer itself, and maybe even the speakers as well. Are these things giving off some kind of harmful waves in large enough doses that I should be worried? I’m thinking of moving my computer and getting longer wires for my speakers so they reach. I will continue my own research, but I would really like to hear some thoughts or suggestions since I know a lot of you use a computer to play music or sounds while you sleep. I will post some links to pages I was reading if anyone is interested.
i wouldnt be too worried about the computer itself, nothing inside usually runs off anything more than 12v, only the power supply, but you probably sleeping next to 240v/120v power lines in your walls, they cant really do much damage in the way of electromagnetic fields or anthing like that, the monitor on the other hand uses huge voltages and can radiate, but as far as i know they dont cause cancer or damage you in any way, but if your unplugging you monitor, you should be okay
Nah, i dont think a pc does much harm… I believe wireless phones, cell phones are WAY worse… I believe they do really harm you.
yeah tomas is right, mobile phones are far more likely to cause you damage, they run off microwaves, so its kinda like sticking your head in a microwave oven but on a smaller scale.
Thanks, guys/girls. What if I sleep with my head in a microwave?
anyone of u think its bad to sleep with your head, next to a electrik wall socket ?
I sleep with my head against a socket. One morning my alarm didn’t go off because my head hit the plug and knocked it out . I don’t see it doing any harm because they produce a weak magnetic field. Its an inverse square relationship with distance so it weakens very fast. Plus you can buy wearable magnets off infomercials that are supposed to be good for you (i don’t believe it but . . .)
Radiation. . . another story, probably wouldn’t hurt you but I would sleep better knowing I’m not being bombarded with EMR . By the way, anyone actually know what kind of radiation monitors give off? I’d personally only worry if it was giving off stuff higher than UV. Lower than UV, no problem. UV blocked by glass so alas no problem there either.
If you understood that good for you, if not its probably my fault. . . grammar and coherence aren’t my things.
theres no conclusive evidence that show electromagnetic waves harm you in your sleep, and if anyone I should be worried. I sleep next to my wireless network base station that gives off alot more than a comp. CRT monitors give off VERY little radiation, and it only is in a distance of 1 cm. The earths magnetic field is far greater. Dont worry at all about it, happy LDINg!
what is a network base station if i may ask?