Questions on LDing..

Alright… I’m new to the whole idea, but when a friend said I had potiential, I thought I should try it out.

I’ve read over the website, and I found it to be very helpful, but I still have some questions.

First of all can lucid dreaming stop or maybe change very bad situations in dreams? I’ve been having those lately, but I only know how to lead myself away from the situation. I don’t know how to change it completely.

Second, How do you recognize if you’re lucid dreaming? Is it all about controlling your dreams? If it’s that then I’m not doing too bad in that area.

I guess that’s mostly what I want to ask. I have very detailed, and mostly painful dream and I need some way to get rid of the pain.

First question: yes. If you become lucid, then you can stop the situation. You can also use lucid dreaming to stop re-ocurring nightmares.

Second question: Lucid dreaming is being aware that you’re dreaming.


Does learning how to LD take a long time?

I believe it depends a lot. Some people have their first lucid dream the night after they hear about it, and it takes months for others. It might be easier if you are already aware of the dreams you have. Writing your dreams down can improve recall and awareness. If you know what you usually dream about, it will be easier to recognize it as a dream :cool:

Yes you can. In fact I will take it a step further and say that you can make a conscious choice about what to do. You can choose to stop, change or even wake up from a bad dream or you can stay in the dream knowing it is powerless to harm you and confront your nightmare.

No. While dream control is a part of lucid dreaming the important factor is knowing that you are dreaming and that you can control it. Many people have dreams where they control things but they don’t understand that they are dreaming