Quit lucid dreaming?

Hi, i just recently discovered lucid dreaming, like 5 nights ago, and have been keeping a DJ, i think i got my first lucid dream last night, when i did an RC near the ocean and to my surprise i had six fingers and this dream came automatically!! i felt a rush of excitement and then i woke up, i would love to continue to lucid dream , but i dont find waking up in the middle of night good for me as im in school and it takes me abt 1- 2 hours to even get to sleep which keeps me sleepy during the day , i want to continue lucid dreaming but later , hopefully in my next summer break, so is there a way from preventing lucid dreams from happening automatically?

or even better , can you choose when to LD and when not to ? cuz i did an RC automatically in the dream :confused:

It took a couple hours to get to sleep after you woke up from the dream?

umm, the excitement was what caused the insomnia. I only woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep about 3 times, and I’ve had neigh on 150 LDs. Just a thought.

Now, how can one prevent LDs? The simple answer is to stop your DJ, stop posting on forums, and stop any thought of lucid dreaming. LDs increase frequency when you think about them more, and obviously when you have good dream recall. However, lucid dreams can happen sporadically, and you cannot entirely control when they happen (lest you master lucid dreaming in the first place).

If I could make a suggestion, Learn lucid dreaming now. Lucid dreams (when you first begin) are the most thrilling thing on earth, IMO. After about 3-4, you stop freaking out so much, and get down to the nitty-gritty of dreaming. I don’t even wake up after LDs now, unless they’re in the morning. Oh, and that’s when most LDs happen, so if you’re in school, just think of it as extra incentive to get up. Consider my words, because being lucid can really help you deal with the insurmountable stress of school (that is, if you’re in high school/college)

cool , thx for the suggestions

Having a lucid dream in the middle of the night doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll wake up right afterwards. For example, when I had my first lucid dream, I wasn’t even excited when I had discovered that I was dreaming. Afterwards, the lucidity faded, and the dream continued onwards, as it normally would have.

If you get an unwanted LD, you can just let go of lucidity and fade back into a normal dream state…

I’m still not sure why you’d want to prevent LDs, but… :eh:

Anyway, I know where you’re coming from, cause I’m always tired in the mornings even though it only takes me about 20 - 30 minutes to get to sleep. That’s why I’m trying to focus more on WILD and avoid WBTB, but it’s hard. :sad: My advice to you is to just not specifically induce LDs, but to enjoy your normal dreams and keep a DJ. Good luck!

The fact that you want to quit LD’s is imaginable in my mind. Not every night will be like this, where you’ll wake up after every LD. Plus, theres no way to really “Quit” LDing, it just happens most of the time :tongue: After getting used to a couple LDs, you wont wake up in the middle of the night, and you can have LDs on school nights :happy:. Just don’t give up on this thrilling experience ^^ It’s too good to pass up.

The reason you wake up is because of your excitement. It happens to many people at first, particularly if they have been trying to become lucid for a while.

They finally realise they are dreaming and due to being so excited wake themselves. This usually passes quickly, once you are used to the fact you can become lucid and keep your emotions in check, you will stop waking up everytime you have an LD.