After giving up trying to have a lucid dream for months after reading these forums and the information on the website, I think I managed to actually get into one this afternoon, but I got startled and woke up…such a disappointment. Either that, or I was having a dream ABOUT having an LD?! Not quite sure…
Anyway, I went to bed between 4.45-5.00pm and reminded myself briefly before lying down on the bed that I would have a lucid dream, just in passing and without really willing myself to have one at all.
I was in the middle of yet another strange dream, I was on a helicopter apparently flying over an ocean to some other country…and not enjoying the ride at all. I wanted to jump out but realised I couldn’t because we were flying over the sea and that I had to wait until we were over land again. I remember panicking (in the dream), and somehow ended up lying on the floor with my left leg and arm dangling out very dangerously into the air. I think I might have fell asleep in the dream itself, because the next thing I remember is waking up some time after I went to sleep, and noticed that there was no motion in the helicopter.
So I looked out of the window…and I had exactly the same view as when I look out of my bedroom window in waking life! Don’t know how that happened, maybe I was dreaming about the helicopter ride IN THE DREAM in the first place, but what came to mind at the time was that the helicopter had merged with my bedroom wall . Anyway, I thought to myself that this was ridiculous, and suddenly realised that I was dreaming!
Instantly, my shoulders and neck began to tingle very intensely almost as if somebody was grabbing them (SP coming thru in the dream?), and my heart began beating VERY fast…they were frightening enough to wake me up. Something hanging on the wall of my bedroom started to change shape and turned into what seemed like a pig’s face. I don’t know if these were mental or physical, but I think they were caused by my initial excitement. To be honest I wasn’t sure what to do once I realised I was in a dream and kind of just stood there waiting for something to happen. Not sure about the face though.
Can somebody PLEASE explain to me what just happened, and what I’m doing wrong, because I want to try again as soon as possible!
That’s an interesting experience. I think the fact that you were in a helicopter this symbolically showed you are on a journey TO lucidity/awareness.
The fact that you didn’t want to be in the helicopter and had urges to jump out, to me this shows a little impatience you might have in becoming lucid…
I think you might have woken up into your astral body after falling asleep in your first dream.
If this is true, then that is great because being in an astral body (while consious) shows a good level of awareness.
And so you saw strange things, you were probably taking a look at things in the astral plane (being in the astral body). You didn’t necessarily exit your physical body (which is possible) but just viewed things from there.
The tingling feelings you felt and the heart beating very fast I think these would definitely be your chakras (energy centres in your body) which are working (they work harder when we are physically asleep), and you were just sensitive to them, you felt them… possibly your heart chakra (in particular) was racing really fast, nothing worry though, that is really a good sign.
Overall this is really good, it shows to me your becoming more aware of your spiritual self, you are opening up. The more you are aware of your spiritual self, the more you will be in touch with it, so I would advise to take grasp of this opportunity you have, maybe read up on some thing if you dont know bout them, spiritual things I mean.
Anyway, the more you tell yourself “I will become lucid” or “I will become concsious” or “I will have an astral travel”, the more chance of it happening.
Remember to always tell yourself “I will remember my lucid/astral adventures” too.
Holy ****! The exact same thing happened to me, word for word (not including the dream itself). I realized I was dreaming, but there was an intense tingling in my upper shoulders/neck area, and my heart was pounding. I willed myself to become lucid, but it wasn’t working, so I tried to visualize a doorway that, when I walked through, would take me into a lucid dream. I just ended up waking up.
It’s crazy though that this happened to someone else, and I’m very curious as to what it means.
FCarrots, was it one of your first LD’s too? Or are you experienced in LD’ing?
Tislub, in some cases, you can experience WILD sensations (vibrations, sounds, body feeling, etc.) during DILD. I had this sometimes, yet rarely. I noticed this may happen too during false awakenings or LD’s in which you’re still in your bed.
You were afraid of these sensations and your heart beating very fast is certainly a consequence of this adrenaline boost. As you were afraid, your experience turned into something which looked like a SP with hallucinations. Or perhaps you’ve been reading too much things about SP and it influenced your LD.
Anyway, when you’re afraid, your dream is likely to turn into something scary. This shows too that your lucidity level was low. If it wasn’t you should have thought: “It’s a dream, I don’t feel like experiencing something scary, I want my dream to be cool.” Thus you modify your emotion and the dream atmosphere changes immediatly.
Some people have scary first LD’s. There is no need to worry. I knew a girl whose 5 first LD’s were nightmarish but she really wanted to have LD’s. In the 6th LD, the first thing she does when lucid was searching a bazooka under her bed (she was special indeed cause she practised karate IRL ) then she asked the monsters to come on. No monster dare appear either this time nor never more and her next LD’s were really quiet.
Yeah I’m very new to LDs. I’ve had 2 so far: one I got after a couple weeks of reality checks and talking myself to sleep, “I’m going to dream etc.” I then stopped for months and tried a WBTB method one day and got a lucid dream first try. After that, it stopped working and I gave up. I then decided to start again and started listening to lucid dreaming hypnosis files, and one night that’s when the tingling experience occured.
I wasn’t afraid at all, though, so I’m not sure the above explanation works in my case.
I said: “in some cases, you can experience WILD sensations (vibrations, sounds, body feeling, etc.) during DILD.” Yet this statement has nothing to do with the fact you’re afraid or not indeed, it just happens sometimes.
OK, last night I went to sleep about 4 hours after smoking…w**d with some friends, and upon waking up this morning I suddenly remembered about my dream last night. I’m sure it was fully lucid, but I can’t remember it in detail! I can definitely remember realising I was dreaming, at which point, as usual everything turned dark and I felt the vibrations as I described previously.
But this time I stuck through the fear, and I remember holding on for long enough until there was this flash of white-orangish light. I can very vaguely remember trying the various ludcidity techniques…I tried to put my right hand thru my left, and it didn’t work. So I then put my right hand over my mouth…I think I could breathe partially that way but still wasn’t fully convinced. Then, I looked at a clock on the wall. At first, I just glanced at it and looked at the wall just next to it, then looked back at the clock and there was no change. But then, I took a good, long look and tried to memorise the time, turned around about 90 degrees, looked back…and the time had changed completely! I did this several times, and EVERY TIME the position of the clock’s hands either went forward or backward at least a few minutes, sometimes a couple of hours.
Sadly, I don’t remember anything after this, apart from knowing that I did- or tried to do- something interesting/fun…without remembering whether it worked. I THINK it might have had something to do with sex .
I’m a bit annoyed at this, but at the same time overjoyed I actually got through the darkness-vibrating sensation-heart pounding stage. I suppose it shouldn’t come as a surprise considering the closest I ever got to a dream journal was writing down 4 very vivid dreams at least a month apart. My dream recall, unsurprisingly, is not very good as a result. Normally I remember a decent chunk of a dream every night, at least enough to know what I was doing and feeling and what the dream was roughly about. But there are always gaps and usually I have no clue how I ended up in a particular dream scene in the first place…the memory seems to start at a random point and stop at a random point as well.
I will definitely start a journal tonight, though. Any tips, information or insight on anything I have just written would be welcome.