Do you think that reading through the dream diary section would help with LDing? Just to get the feel of dreams, I read my own, but I think it would allso help to get fermiliar with dreams alltogeather.
I love reading other people’s dreams! Especially when I wbtb. It sort of gets me into the right mood. And I think it helps with recognizing common dream themes too. Sometimes I read a particularly good LD from my own book before going to bed
I had an LD after reading a post by Moogle in the DD section. When actually, I almost had a lucid dream. I pretty much said it was dream, but the fact just didn’t click into place…
I think some journals can inspire you . My favourite is atheist’s journal… but you have to look for it now … it’s on the third page I think.
I’ve never deeply read DJ on LD4all. What are the great LD diaries ?
Oh oh oh! Read mine !
Another inspirational topic is “the big favourite thing to do in a LD” topic.
When I first joined I read ALOT of DJs. But now I mostly just read my teams DJs and moogles of course It’s nice to see what other peoples dreams are like and it can give you ideas of what to do in your own dreams
And Basilus, I think you have to decide for yourself which DJs are interesting But if you like strange and crazy dream you could take a peek at mine
Especially if you like penis jokes.
OK ! I’ll read all your DJ’s, and give special attention to Jarod’s, cause I wonder what could be finnish jokes about this specific theme.