Oh man. So i just got back from class and was dead tired so I took a little nap. Whenever I take naps latley i have dreams and i generally remember them because i only am alseep for about 20 minutes. SO just a few minutes ago im dreaming that I am at the movie theater, outside, with some friends. We are walking up this big set of concrete stairs when someone throws a water bottle at us then some snow. Then my buddy (who is actuallyin london now - shoulda been a tipoff but it wasnt) yells at them “you pussys! Come over here and say shit!” This causes them to throw firworks at us. Big ones, look like sticks of dinomite. They throw the first one, i go over and pick it up, my friends yell at me so i throw it into the road. The next one comes and then it hits me - Ive dremt this before. I think how fucking weird that i had this dream and then its happening, because I Know dreams dont really predict the future. Then it hits me - I AM dreaming! My first thought is lets fly the hell out of here. So i superman and jump and start flying, all of the sudden im over my garage at home and then boom. Im awake. I know i should have rubbed my hands and such but I wanted to get out of there. So close though, it was awsome.
A few questions - wahts the deal with lucid dreaming during naps? Clearly I just did, but what are peoples thoughts on it? Are there special techniques or anything?
Also - do you guys find that you ‘zoom in’ on stuff while dreaming? I disticntly remembering zooming in (LIkein a camera) on the big fireworks. I dunno that just struck me (And should have made me realize earlier that i was in a dream).
I have had a dream similar to this before which is what triggered all of this. Every time i take naps i try and tell my self to go lucid because I know ill be dreaming and will have good recall and such, but i never seem able to do it.
Arg. Just woke up from another nap. this time i tried WILD… 1 (Picture myself about to go down a step) “im dreaming” (shot of me stepping down goes closer in… 2 - repeat. I kept stopping and starting so i probably did this 100 times. I didnt enter lucidity in a WILD way though - where im supposed to be in my dream walking down the stairs counting and just know since i say im dreaming. Instead all of the sudden i am walking down a school hallway with my best friend and this group of people are practicing tai chi. We walk past them and i say to my friend “I’m so glad you’re here right now, because we’re in a dream!” He looks real excited . I say “See watch, i can fly”. and i start flying in the hallway and OF COURSE I wake up. AHH! I know I need to ‘ground’ myself first (rub hands, spin around) but i always forget. Closer though.
Another thing… every dream that ive rememberd is always very dark and sort of scary. There is nothing actually scary about it, but the lighting and atmosphere of it seems a bit scary, know what I mean? Whats up with this? Do i just need to do something like rub my hands or spin to have them be more lucid and vivid?
Yes. I’m “zooming in” too, and I generally use this technique voluntarily in order to teleport.
I understand what you mean. A lot of dreamers experience this. It’s what the very experienced dreamer Flo called “the grey world”. She explained the phenomenum with strange concepts (I don’t know what to think about ) : in this state, the “energy of the dream” would not be fully invested in the background, that’s why the dream is dark and not well defined.
But in this state, she prefers to use the “floating energy” to make spiritual exercices (like yoga breathing, repeating mantras, etc.) and she didn’t say how to invest the floating energy back in the dream in order to make it more clear and vivid.
So I can’t answer to your last question…
Not true, I’ve had 3 dreams where I’ll be in some sort of ordinary situation, and about 2 weeks later, that same situation will happen IRL and I’ll remember the dream I had that predicted that same event.