I have a question about LDs. If somebody has a LD in which they travel to a place that they have never been to before in real life, like Paris or Saturn, are the images they see real or made up by their imagination?
Made up by their imagination, of course.
Both. The things you see could be part imagination, part images/footage you have seen and otherwise forgotten about.
I think they are made up by their memories of the place - memories of what they saw in pictures. If the person has never seen any picture or has never been at/in/on the place, then yes, it is their imagination. But then again… something that you have never seen or been to, you have probably not heard of (well, in most cases… try thinking of some place that you have only heard of, but have never seen a picture of it)
Would this be the case for a OOBE too? Or is that different
And I was also wondering how accurate images that we everyday are. Ex. Most people never counted/dont know how many steps there are on their staires, but how accurate are their LDs?
BTW Dark Matter, I think dark energy is more mysterious
Good question steve. I’ve always been tjhionking about that. So technically you wouldn’t be able to experience everything, cuz you haven’t experience or heard about everything. I guess your imagination could help ya in that case.
Dee Bee
Many religions around the world would suggest that there’s no difference between your dreams and your waking life. If you went to a movie set of a Parisian scene, would your mind know if it was Paris or not?
Real. Until you wake up.
I once saw a short film about a man who dreams that he is in Paris, but he can’t find the Eiffeltower.
When he wakes up he tells his wife about it, and she doesn’t understand what he’s talking about. What’s the Eiffeltower?
Throughout the film everybody keeps trying to convince him that it was just a dream, and in the end he accepts that the tower doesn’t exist.
I’m interested in that one…
Could you tell me the name of that movie, please?
Hey Steve, I’d say both is the case. It strongly depends on the quality of your intitial impressions, I mean the accuracy of the first pictures you get about the city. If they are in close resemblance with the Paris as we know it from waking (either by accurately imagining parts of teh city or by the use of extrasensory perception from the very beginning) then chances are great that you will perceive a Paris similar to ours. But more soon than later junky images, caused by your expectations, will deteriorate the experience (by weakening the state stabilizing feedback, if you understand what I mean.)
Eiffel Tower? Never heard about it.
Thank you!
Unless you are indeed dreaming about Saturn…well, I’ve never been to Saturn anyways, I dunno about you guys
It is generally made up by your imagination however it is definitely possible to see things as they are.
I had an astral projection (meaning I was more awake and probably not exactly like a lucid dream) and I travelled to a friend’s house in the USA who ive never been there before… dont know what the house looks like.
I reported that her house outside wall colours were dark yellow colour, and that she had a thin wooden door on the side of her house.
I then asked her the next day and its true she actually has dark yellow walls and a thin wooden door on the side of her house… i didnt get to explore more coz i woke up but its definitely a big success.