Reality check that passed in a dream

I have had one real LD so far. It didnt last very long, 3 minutes max, and this was before I had done any real reading about what to do when you become lucid and how to stay lucid, like spinning, rubbing…

Anyway, in my first LD, I realized I was dreaming when I was walking around my house in my dream and I saw that there were more and fancier windows than the ones that are in my house in real life, and also that the walls were painted a brighter white instead of beige. In my dream I was loading the dishwasher with dirty dishes when I became lucid, so I tested myself by levitating a spoon from the holder into my hand- and, it worked :content: So then I knew I was dreaming for sure. I didnt get to do anything before the dream died however. That was a week and a half or so ago.

Last night, I almost went lucid when I had a dream about being in a house I moved out of a few months ago. I had friends in the dream that looked like celebrities from real life, but werent celebs in the dream. Things just felt… odd… and I asked myself if I was dreaming, and decided to do an RC. I looked at the clock for the time, 8:30, looked away and back, 8:30… looked away and back again… 8:30… So I figured the clock was working right so this must not be a dream. The clock was an analog clock that has a pendulum on it, but the pendulum wasnt swinging like it should… wish I had realized it in the dream. Anyway, my reality check passed so the dream continued as normal… Hopefully I will get another LD soon. I really wanna fly! Or go around killing random DC’s… :cool_laugh:

Sorry for the long post, but I like to share my dreams with anyone who’ll listen.

Glad to join in the community,
compguy :smile:

Whenever I do a RC, I always use at least 3 different ones at the same time, just to be sure. Also, I find that penetration of matter is a much better method to tell if you are dreaming.

Oh, and welcome to the forum :happy: