Reality Checks and Dream Signs?

I’m wandering if anyone has any advise on reality checks. I’ve heard about looking at a clock and then looking again to see if it has changed but in a dream i just seem to think everything is completely normal. Are there any RCs that people would recommend? Also what excatly is meant by Dream Signs and how do i recognise them?
Thanks for any response, Phil! :wink:

Hi GuitarPhil,
Here are some RC that I use:

Looking at a clock multiple times
Seing if I can breath while plugging my nose
Sticking my hand through a wall

Dream Signs are things in your dream that give away the fact it is a dream. For example, if I am flying and I think, hey thats not normal, then flying is a dreamsign. When you recall your dreams in the morning, you should look for dead giveaways that you were dreaming. If you record the dreamsigns, you may find some that are more common than others, and you want to use these to your advantage. For example, if every dream you start to levitate, then plant it in your memory that levitating == dreaming. Recognizing dreamsigns can help you to become lucid. Good Luck!
