ve been doing the exercises from this website with almost no progress. I seem to be having better recall of dreams, but while actually dreaming I can
t seem to complete any type of reality check, and usually end up staying asleep and following the flow of the dream. Does anyone have any suggestions on helping me get to the next stage of lucid dreaming?
Just stick with it.
By the way, how long have you been at this? It takes a different amount of time for everyone, so just stay optimistic and keep at it, and you’ll get there.
Thanks for the encouragement Josh I`ll keep at it. I just sarted the exercises for lucid dreaming about two months ago. But it seems like a lifetime ago.
Are you keeping a dream journal? That really helps when getting started.
Hmmm, two monthes. I bet you’ll have one any day now.
Yes I do have a dream journal, but Ill admit that I
m not as consistent as I would like to be though. Most logged dreams end up being the ones from the early morning. Thanks for your replies
Ah, you’re sure to have one any day now. In fact, I’m confident you’ll have one tonight. It can’t possibly fail to happen!
Havent had any lucid dreams since my last post, I think all the chaos in my personal life is stopping me. My dream recall has decreased dramatically as well. Hopefully stability will be mine again in the near future. What
s up Wannabe
I managed to have three lucid dreams this week. I guess thats not to bad. I wish I could somehow increase the frequency of my L.D
s. Anybody got tips for me? mrgreen: Holla Back
See, all your work payed off! What’d you do in your dream?
Well my dream I was in this huge maze and I was being chased by this thing that looked like the predator in it`s cloaked form. I ran through the maze cutting corners as fast as I could and finally got to a point where I could ambush this thing. So I hid behind the corner and waited. I guess I must have thought about having a weapon because as soon as it came around the corner I pulled out a handgun and commenced to empty a clip in the direction of the monster, I ended up shooting until I had no bullets left. The damn thing was still there.
I guess I still have matrix on the brain becuase then I sent out a multi directional shockwave that knocked the monster off his feet. I must have been to much for me to handle because I ended up waking up right after that. Crazy right?