Reality Checks ? how much

To all experts, please could you tell me how many times a day you do a reality check. Ive been trying for weeks on end to become lucid, but my dreams seem to be very formal in getting on with the job in hand with no lingering about. I have a dream journal which I keep updated on a regular. And I have had the one lucid dream which was about 5 months ago. Please give some advice
(I just need a rough estimation of how much reality checking to do)

Yeah please tell!
Im anxious too !

As much as possible :tongue:

If you can do between 5-10 a day, you’ll probably see the results in your dreams within a reasonable amount of time, but the more you do, the better the results will be :smile:

I’m not an expert but I simply set my alarm to reset and ring every hour and I do RC’s each time it rings. But I don’t think it’s worked yet because I seem to have a bad recall recently so I can’t have a chance to LD.

At the moment Im doing around five RC’s a day, in work Ive got a label on my lecturn which states " I wonder if im dreaming"
I read it as much as I can, but still no luck, my dream recall is really good after these past couple of weeks, its the journal that drives me too remember more than anything and the free music file as boosted my memory to around 3 to 4 dreams a night
memory stamina. shall I just keep going with what im doing or shall I try something a little different. Any suggestions?

you can try a color RC…everytime you see a certain color in RL, make a RC and after time you will start recognizing that color in dreams and remember to do a RC

Thats a new Idea I didnt think of, So everytime I see a bold beautifull colour I just RC. I think youre right on that one, because colours do stand out a hell of a lot in dreams dont they
Ill give that a try, cheers.
any more suggestions

yes, but I would recommend finding only one color which you see a lot in your dreams because you’re gonna get looked at if you look at your watch or watch your hand each time you see a vivid color…(Personal Opinion)

So mine 3 to 8 RCs a day ain`t anough ? :wink:
How is that ?

And of 8 Rcs I have like 2 with wondering in a long time if I`m dreaming . :shy:

Should I grab my lazy body by the shulders and Use more of them ?:help:

Do a RC everytime you wake up (be it the morning or night). It’ll help you catch FA’s.

I remember some scientist (Pr Tholey or Pr Laberge) made an experiment with RC’s, and they said it was better to perform more than 5 RC’s a day.

Ok , I`ll Get my lazy body in business ! :wink: :cool:

And surreal , I`ve never EVER had a FA :sad:

ive had two false awakenings in one night, one of the them was so real Im sure it was a OBE.
Im going to give the colour grey a lot of consideration when it comes to RC, reason being i see alot of grey most of the time, because the carpet tiles in work are grey, and I had a dream of a grey marble floor the other night. Not a very bold beautifull colour I know but its familiar to me all the same.
do you think it will work

the color doesnt matter, it only needs to be one you see a lot in dreams and you’ll recognize

i do a RC of anny kind about 4 times per hour

Ill give that a try surreal in the morning you say, as soon as I wake yeah.

I only remember haivng one FA, which led to a LD.
I do RC every time i wake up but havent had any more FAs

That color RC strategy worked for me.
I said “Everytime I see the color green (because i see the grass a lot, obviously) I will look at my hand.” I did it a lto throughout that day. That same night I had a vivid LD. What happened in the dream was this, I was in a sorta lobby/meeting room and I must have saw the color green and without even thinking looked at my hand. WOW!! SIX FINGERS!!! then I snapped into lucidity, of course. Lol

Definetely give it a try


That would freak out my soccer playing ! :wink:

That’s exactly what I said before I satrted taking RC’s every time I woke up. Either doing this induces FA’s, or else you have FA’s but never realise (it happens).

Also try reading through the Big FA Toipc in the Quest forum - that seems to help give you FA’s too.