Reality checks...

Should I just have one Reality check, or could I have a few. I figure if you use more then just one Ill have a less chance of doing a RC in a LD.

Depends… When those RCs are specific external situations, then I’d say you have a bigger chance of meeting one of these in a dream, than when you use only one situation as RC. However, if you use certain actions you need to induce yourself, like the nose RC or the watch RC, than perhaps concentrating on one RC works best, because then you’re relying on some unidentified “external” event to trigger the thought of doing a RC. In that case, one RC will do.

I suggest to concentrate only 1 type of RC IRL (for example it’s nose squeezing for me). But you should be aware how to make other types too. I have had a lot of LD’s, or FA’s where i did my usual RC with nose, but it did not convinced me (i even failed once in dream this test), so i needed to check also my hands, read and re-read some text, etc to be totally sure that this is a dream. And even IRL it’s good to practice doing more than one type of RC if you encounter something pretty weird. Doing so will increase the chances that you will be more sceptical in your dreams also, and will try out different RC-s.

I always do three, because i have had dreams where 2 of them failed.

personal preference really though

I look at my hands, both sides of my nose, and sometimes plug my nose. In my dreams the hands and nose have failed me, but I still went lucid. Speaking of which I have to update my count.

Yep, I’m a fan of a couple RC’s because I’ve had a several fail in one dream and then one finally works.