Really freaky SP

Last night I came across a post on this website about a site called Lucid Crossroads. I tried using the method they had on their website (basically a normal WILD but visualizing the crossroads the whole time) and it seemed to be working great.

The first attempt was going great, I was relaxed, I was visualizing I was at the crossroads and it was becoming ever-so vivid. Right at the point I felt like I was about to slip into a LD my cell phone rang and woke my right up (startled me to be exact). Once my cell phone stopped ringing I tried again, and it seemed to be working again, but right when I was at the point I was the first time, my cell phone rang again, startling me again.

I decided to try one last time before I went to bed (it was starting to get late and I had to wake up earlier then usual the next morning for work). This is when it started to get really strange.

After a while I felt SP coming on. MY body was getting heavy and the images I was visualizing were getting VERY vivid. Then starting from my feet, I started getting a very weird feeling. A feeling like I had to move my legs, but I couldn’t. It started off very weak, something I could just ignore, but as time went on it started getting stronger and the feeling started moving up my body. It wasn’t like an uncomfortable feeling, or a pain, it just felt like I HAD to move my body. The feeling started to get really really intense, there was no way I could ignore it. I then started to get really itchy all over my body.

I tried ignoring it and keep visualizing were I wanted to be in my LD, but to no avail. Eventually the feeling became so intense I had to wake myself up enough to be able to roll over onto my stomach, and I then fell right asleep.

I don’t think I had a LD last night, but I’m pretty sure my dream contained (somewhat) the crossroads because as soon as I woke up I grabbed my pad from next to my bed and started jotting down keywords from my dream, and the keywords resembled stuff that I would of found at the crossroads.

Sorry for such a long post, but it really freaked me out. It freaked me out enough that I don’t think I want to try again until I figure/find out why that happen, so any insight would be greatly appreciated.

I can imagine that would be freaky. I’ve had similar experiences wil attempting WILD, but my body would only feel numb and my heartrate would increase. It is really distracting, and it makes WILD even more difficult. :sad:
You also might want to turn off your cell phone before going to sleep.

The only reason I had my cell next to my bed that night was my alarm clock was on the fritz, so I had to use my cell’s alarm. Normally I leave my cell in my living room.

I thought I saw where the story was going…by the third time you tried to go into an LD, the phone would ring again! That would just be scary, especially if no one answered or you heard strange hissing noises, or someone whispered “7 DAYS”.

I guess this is a little more scary — to feel that kind of sensation run through your body. EVEN MORE scary if you actually met those blue people at the crossroads. :woah:

I think you should still try it. Ofcourse, I’ve never felt what you felt so I can’t relate with you at how scary it was, but this ‘crossroads’ seems interesting. I think I’ll read up on it.

Hi anyoners,

I don’t understand why you found this itching feeling so freaky. :eh: I had it many times. Of course, it’s annoying cause you really want to move and when you move, you have to start again from the beginning. :sad: If you search for “itching” on the forum, you’ll find lots of accounts of beginners who had the same problem.

Actually I think that SPs are kinda cool if you just give in to it.
It feels so weird to not be able to move anything. Its not harmfull in any way, and there is not even a chance that you would be paralyzed for a longer period, If a fire would start in your house, your brains would deliver a message to break you free from the SP. So my advice is just to enjoy this unnatural phenomenon :smile:

And about the problem that you need to move your legs or other part of your body, In my case I had this kind of weak type of RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) which means that I need to move my legs after being in the same position for some time, or else I get this annoying feeling. But I knew I had to deal with it, so I just tried to relax my legs more than other part of my body, and eventually it has helped me quite much. I dont have almost any problem keeping my legs on same position for even like 4 hours, and before I could only keep em still for like 20mins.

Dunno if this made any sense but :tongue:. Hope you get something out of this.