Last night I came across a post on this website about a site called Lucid Crossroads. I tried using the method they had on their website (basically a normal WILD but visualizing the crossroads the whole time) and it seemed to be working great.
The first attempt was going great, I was relaxed, I was visualizing I was at the crossroads and it was becoming ever-so vivid. Right at the point I felt like I was about to slip into a LD my cell phone rang and woke my right up (startled me to be exact). Once my cell phone stopped ringing I tried again, and it seemed to be working again, but right when I was at the point I was the first time, my cell phone rang again, startling me again.
I decided to try one last time before I went to bed (it was starting to get late and I had to wake up earlier then usual the next morning for work). This is when it started to get really strange.
After a while I felt SP coming on. MY body was getting heavy and the images I was visualizing were getting VERY vivid. Then starting from my feet, I started getting a very weird feeling. A feeling like I had to move my legs, but I couldn’t. It started off very weak, something I could just ignore, but as time went on it started getting stronger and the feeling started moving up my body. It wasn’t like an uncomfortable feeling, or a pain, it just felt like I HAD to move my body. The feeling started to get really really intense, there was no way I could ignore it. I then started to get really itchy all over my body.
I tried ignoring it and keep visualizing were I wanted to be in my LD, but to no avail. Eventually the feeling became so intense I had to wake myself up enough to be able to roll over onto my stomach, and I then fell right asleep.
I don’t think I had a LD last night, but I’m pretty sure my dream contained (somewhat) the crossroads because as soon as I woke up I grabbed my pad from next to my bed and started jotting down keywords from my dream, and the keywords resembled stuff that I would of found at the crossroads.
Sorry for such a long post, but it really freaked me out. It freaked me out enough that I don’t think I want to try again until I figure/find out why that happen, so any insight would be greatly appreciated.