Recording your dreams: A reality?

I came across this page and was reading it a little bit when it started talking about external stimuli. (1.4)

I found this really interesting:

“While dreaming lucidly you can command yourself to talk
while dreaming. This way you can record your dream while it is occurring. Having a tape
recorder that turns it self on when you speak comes in handy. You can also train yourself to
move your eyes in a certain pattern.”

Does anyone know much about it, or where I could get mor info? Does anyone do this?

EDIT: Hmm, I noticed towards the bottom that this guy is pretty biased. Anyone have any factual evidence?

Cool! unfortunately i’m not the one to answer to your questions but I’m interested. I’ve heard of opening your eyes, but just that. good luck

Intriguing article…
I don’t know if it’s entirely possible to purposefully talk in your sleep, but i don’t doubt it. What I do doubt is your ability to talk with any consistency and coherence. Normally, people who do talk (or walk, move, whatever) in their sleep only do it during NREM, when your body is NOT in SP. You enter SP only for REM, as that is the only time you are supposed to dream.
(Also night terrors, not nightmares, take place in NREM which is why people act them out)

So to talk out loud in an LD is an interesting idea, because despite all this evidence against it, I do have some evidence for it. I have voluntarily opened my eyes in a dream.
In the LD, I closed my eyes to help me focus, then opened my real eyes through pure will power. I was not awake, but I could see. I couldn’t move any muscle, except to move my eyes slightly. Wasn’t even able to control my breathing. It was going at its own, slow fixed rate. I then closed my eyes (with some effort) and opened them in the dream again.

So my ruling, possible but probably difficult and unreliable.

i used to talk to my girlfriend while she was still sleeping “did you see that car!!!?” “yes”

didn’t know she was asleep but she was and answered in it

To talk in your sleep, you would have to be either VERY good a LDing, or have some type of problem with your sleeping pattern.

haha thats hilarious! :rofl:

lol! nice. :razz:

I agree with the thoughts posted so far…
Someone who lucid dreams very well should try to talk while sleeping.

I remember the first night with my actual girlfriend: we were camping in the woods and at some point she woke me up and looking at me like crazy she told me “The river will wash away the sinners’ sins”… So I asked her “what?” to find out she was sleeping and dreaming of something like little puppy dogs and was sleeptalking after sleepwakingmeup…

this to say I don’t think there will be much coherence in what we’ll say… But that was pretty scary

yeah! i love her so much, maybe she will remember this and come back to me hmmm!

though that dream, the person in the car was another girl, and the love she carried was the strongest thing in the entire universe, so go figure !

she says that she and her brother talk to each other while they are sleeping about their dreams all the time, it sounds very fascinating.

Wasn’t LaBerge the one who experimented with moving eyes in Lucid Dreams and confirmed it was true?

When I first started writing in my dream journal I thought it might be better to use a tape recorder. So during the night after a dream I would turn on the tape recorder and say what happened in my dreams.

The next morning I would play it back and all I would get is “Buwpo wodg fewpo, and then I saw erfeouen tyfiokl”.

I couldn’t understand a word of what i recorded. All I got on tape was alot of mumbling from a tired guy in the middle of the night.

So if you could command yourself to talk during a LD I don’t know how clear it would be.

Couldn’t they get a Shared Dream that way?


I already have the paranoia that I talk in my sleep.

I don’t need to expand that feeling by narrating my lucid dreams. :happy: