Reducing weight by lucid dreaming?

Is there anyone who eats inside lucid dreams to fulfill oneselve’s need to eat instead of eating in real life? I’m currently searching for people who go unusual ways to reduce their weight for an article I’m currently preparing.

To all the others: D’you consider eating in dreams as a useful method to reduce one’s weight? I assume yes, because lucid dreaming is often describes as rather realistic so it may help on a psychological level.

well i can’t comment on eating, sometimes i gorge myself in an LD and it’s real fun, but often times the tastes are rather bland and unfulfilling.

what i can attest to is that i do similar things with sex, and it usually doesn’t really help much, rather frustrates me and makes me want the real thing that much more.

I’ve drunk in an LD. And to be honest, I don’t think eating in LD would help you eat less IRL.

but…You could lose wieght by ordering yourself to not eat on a subconscious level. Much like hypnosis, LDs are a direct access to your own subconscious

Some years ago I read in an article that people experimented with strengthening the muscles with visualization.
The test person had to visualize muscle exercises and his muscle became stronger(measurable stronger).
They said that this was because the brain ordered the muscles to grow because it believed that the muscle had done hard work. So the body had been “decieved” and started to strengthen the muscle.

LD-s are so much more powerful than visualization.
For example he can make his mind and body think that he had eaten a lot of tasteful food. So he won’t be hungry.

BTW What if somebody does a hard body building session during an LD?
Will he become stronger? Will his muscles grow?
I think this can be related to loosing wight too.

I dont believe that is true. Muscle only grow through actual physical breakdown of the muscle tissue, then they rebuild stronger so that they can withstand the wear and tear of the workout. That is why, when doing a workout, you must increase the speed, intensity or length of time you do a workout as you get stronger. Mental visualisation of exercise would not cause physical breakdown of tissue and therefore would not trigger the rebuilding of the tissue.

Ok. Probably you are right.
But I will experiment with fooling my senses. Probably not with bodybuilding but eating. And this whole stuff is not so important for me just interesting and gives other goals and motivation for LD-s and things to try. :smile:

I think so yes. If I’m not mistaken, Stephen LaBerge mentions such an example in one of his books: a woman who learned to LD where she could eat as much as possible; during the day she could prevent herself from eating by telling to herself she will get all the food she wants in just a couple of hours. And apparently this method worked :smile: