Regarding my DJ

Can i throw away my recored dreams from my DJ yet keep improving my recall. do i need to keep them all to read over? just wondering…

You don’t need to keep your old dream journals if you don’t want to. If you keep the dreams of the last few days, that’s probably good enough to help you identify recurring dream signs, themes, and help your recall.

I personally do keep all of my dreams, because I find it interesting to read about a dream I had three years ago, to find out how much my dreams have changed. Or just to remember a very cool dream I had a long time ago.

But if you want to, you can throw them away no problem.

thanks very much, and i see i makes sense because you wouldnt loose your drawing skill if you threw away old pages. i dont want to be throwing any recored dreams out anyways, just wanted to know in case i lost some.