I was just thinking about this earlier. Last september, I was thinking to myself about how the first two years of high school flew by…I regretted how I didn’t take advantage of every opportunity, never taking a chance, and how I just sat back and watched time go by. I told myself I would not make the same mistake again, but here I am, at the end of the school year, with the same regrets.
If I feel like this now, how will I feel after high school? And in 5 or 15 years?
I agree with Petter, no use regretting neither what you did nor what you wish you had done. Also, that “one should only regret what they didn’t try” philosophy got a few people I know addicted to drugs, to let us all remember that trying for the sake of curiosity isn’t really a smart idea. d:
I also agree with the statement of “the past is the past,” which in my opinion, means that it is just a waste of time and energy to regret what one has or hasn’t done during their lives. In fact, feeling regret will only make us have a more negative view on life, and thus feel worse about ourselves. One of my goals in life, although simple, is to always feel positive in the end, even if that means taking a negative situation and just laughing at it.
That’s a good point, Bruno. Of course, there are many choices that one is given in life, so I hadn’t considered this idea when I first read about those who regret what they haven’t done. I was thinking more along the lines of many opportunities that come about in life, and not fulfilling them just because they were afraid to the risks, of the chances they were taking. This was based on choices that could have positive outcomes, but that idea also applies to negative choices such as drugs.
I just needed to get some posts in the Philosopher’s Cloud, since I haven’t been here in a while.
I regret doing almost nothing in four years of high school.
Aside from stuff for classes, and being in Boy Scouts, I did almost nothing outside of school. I keep telling myself “In college it’s going to be diffrent.” Hopefully I’m right.
High school? Next year’s the last one and I hope that flies away too. I regret having taken the only chance I’ve taken, and probably also for a long time.
Maybe when I’m old I’ll want to experience what I didn’t. No, wait, I won’t.
Has anyone seen the movie “Click” yet?
I saw it, and it reminded me of this topic. I won’t say anything else about it, as I might spoil it for somebody who plans on watching it.
hmm, reminded me of click aswell steve, it was pretty sad , but yeah you will always regret things won’t you?
I mean think about it, you can’t do everything, you do what you do and enjoy that not think about what you haven’t done and regretting it .