Reliving the Disasters

For a little over a week now, I’ve been trying to accomplish the goal of reliving some of the events of the past, in addition to the whole Shared Dreaming topic. What I’ve been doing is trying to induce either regular dreams, or even lucid dreams, in where the setting is at places where major events have happened, some recent, some old.

My main setting, that I think would be the most not only emotional, but the most “actiony”, would be trying to be in one of the World Trade Centers on the day the airplanes hit [9/11]. Some may look down on this, but I think this would be the most extroidinary experience that I’ve had throughout my whole life. To be in the building when that plane hits, and to try and save people, and see what it looks like, and trying to leave the building, and maybe even fall with the building. I don’t mean to be that descriptive, but I think this would be…well…awesome. It is the only thing you can do to actually understand what it felt like up there. And to be in the setting while your lucid, you could manage to do anything.

Not only there I want to go, but I want to visit places like when the Titanic crashed in to the ice burg, or even being in a huge hurricane that hit Cancun, or being in the Tsunami.

Now to my main little point idea thinigy here…

For those of you interested, I think we should try and induce these types of dreams, and see how each of them end up in our heads. Maybe they will all be the same, or maybe one’s settings and plots will alter. I just think it would be interesting to get results from something like this. If you go for it, post as soon as you get success :smile:

As for me, no success yet…hehe. But I’ll get it this weekend.

No offense, but you’re crazy. Lucid or not, you will feel the pain, you will feel the trauma and this will have a negative psychological impact on you. Some things are best left untouched or experienced. That is why we feel so bad for those who had to suffer through the horrible disasters as you mentioned above.

Not only that, but you will most likely wake up as soon as the disaster starts occuring, if you get that far. It would be a major rush of terror and your heart would probably skip right out of your chest!

I know I can’t control you or make decisions for you, but please, take some advice from an experienced lucid dreamer… don’t try it.

Darxide: ???

People have gone back and relieved personal traumnatic moments is dreams (especially LD’s), and come out feeling a lot better then before. An inperonsal one like 9/11 or the Titanic should therefore be a breeze.

And I don’t think you’d wake up. Or else we’d wake up at the start of every single nightmare…

You’re the crazy one, I think. Dreams and their effects are subjective. Just because you might not be mentally strong enough to handle this doens’t mean everyone couldn’t.

I personally would think it would be pretty insightful and a great learning experience to relive say, The Tsunami or 9/11 even. Myabe if more people did experience or have a glimpse of what the experience is like…perhaps violence and such would drop as a result. As of right now, while we all feel ‘bad’ for the victims of these tragedies, none of us can relate enough to it.

How did I know this is what I was gonna get. Fine, looks like I am gonna have to post my story…

About a year ago when I was first getting in to lucid dreaming I decided I wanted to watch a historic battle from the book of mormon.

I thought it would be a “great, enlightening experience”. So I got lucid, jumped through a picture of the battle taking place that I posted across the wall from my bed and yes, found myself on the battle scene. I sat in horror and watched the blood shed of lamanites (indians) and nephites (white people). I was horrified at how realistic it was. When I woke up I wanted to throw up my own intestines. It was disgusting watching people die in such a realistic manner and to this day their screams haunt me and send me into vivid flash backs.

Now, I warned you, so please, if you must then procede to doing this. I don’t wish to argue about this so this is the last post on this topic you will read from me. However, I highly advise against it.

With that being said, let’s all remain peaceful towards eachother and not take offense to anything that any of us has said.

Enjoy all your dreams!

Hm, I think it would have helped you to have reminded yourself that it was only a dream.

At any rate, I’m amazed at how it affected you IRL. I’ve had grusome scenes in my ND’s (people’s being ripped in half, eyes being burnt out, faces decomposing before me and deep gashes apear accross their faces to name just a few) and as they were nightmares, they were very vivid.

The effect of it (which was no more than watching a horro movie) only lasted a minute or two after waking, and then it was gone.


Your brain is the centre of your emotions and sensations. When you are dreaming your body is SAFELY in bed. It cannot be hurted by anything seen in the dream. But you can “feel” the hurt, pain and sadness if you decide to have so, because it’s all in your head. If you recongnize that it’s ONLY a dream and it is occurring ONLY in your head, you can CHOOSE to experience the pain (jumping before the bullet), sorrow (seeing people (aka dream characters) being killed), etc. If you decide not to feel anything, your brain will not produce (almost) any sensations (because the body is not involved).

Darxide…no worries. What I am doing is completely harmless, for me at least. I’m not that type of guy who gags in a dream when he sees some people dieing :razz: It is in fact only a dream, and nothing is real, so that has no impact on me whatsoever. You just have to learn to let some of those scared thoughts go. It’s like you’ve taken your dream too personally.

I know this isn’t going to affect me in any way, because last year, I tried this for like a week, and I induced a ND in the setting of 9/11. I was on top of one of the towers, and I saw the plane come crashing in. I felt so many vibrations, and then the whole building just collapsed and I was falling with it. And thats when I woke up. Now I know I didn’t see all the gory parts, but the whole main idea isn’t going to freak me out, like yours did.

Anyways, I’m still going to keep trying this (havn’t had luck yet). I’m only going to do it when I’m lucid for now on…it’s a pain to try and get lucid and to try and induce a disaster dream at the same time. So, I’ll just get lucid, then change the settings to wherever. Much easier on my part.