Remember me? Still no luck!

Hi there! It’s been a really long time since i’ve posted here, simply because i’ve just had my first year at university, and I didn’t have internet access at my place during that time.

That doesnt mean to say that I haven’t been trying to lucid dream! I’ve still had no success though. Last night, or the night before - I forget - I was in a dream and remember doing some RC’s, like breathing through my nose with my nose closed, and it worked, but i didn’t realise when i was in the dream that i was dreaming.

Have you guys got any tips for me? Which reality checks work better than others? How can i get myself to recognise when i am doing a reality check in a dream and then make sure i realise i am dreaming? I know this might be a lot to ask, but any help is greatly appreciated!

Just keep your dream journal every day, even if you recalll no dreams, and keep performing those RCs. A very effective RC is reading some text and looking away, then reading it again. If it changes, you’ll know your dreaming. trying to breath while plugging your nose is goos to, or trying to push your hand through a solid object. They all usually work, so no worries there :smile:
You can also try techniques you havent tried before. If you’ve never WILD’d, then try to WILD, if you don’t use MILD, start using MILD :content:
Other than that, just keep at it, and you’ll succeed.

By the way, if you tell us excactly what you’re doing, your methods, techniques, etc, maybe some of us could offer even more advice.

Just telling you what I’ve read from other’s posts. Try picking a particular activity, say walking through doorways, and tell yourself that you’re gonna do an RC everytime you do it. It’ll multipy the number of RC you do a day since usually we do RC’s only when we remember it.

When an RC fails during a dream it usually means that they are not taken seriously enough during the day. When you do an RC CRITICALLY question your surrounding, you need to be certain you are not dreaming. If you expect to count all your fingers then in a dream it will happen. You need to act as if you are dreaming in RL when you are doing your RCs.

the point of RC’s is you do it so much the pattern follows you into your sleep. If you just quickly check your watch say “duh im not dreaming” and just shrug it off, that will be the mentality that follows into your dream state.

My advice, take RC’s really seriously, you could be dreaming right now. You simply dont know, i mean in a dream everything can appear as real as it can in the daytime, expecially in LDs. So how do you know if you are dreaming? You might wake up in a few seconds and relieze you were in a dream, and this post never existed. Do an RC.

thanks for the help all, while reading those posts i did do about 10 RC’s, but sadly no - i am awake. :content:

Will carry on trying, thanks a lot for the advice!

Madhatter, are you just doing RC’s? You should try autosuggestion together before getting to sleep. Relaxing deeply, then repeating 20 times: “This night, I’ll realize I’m dreaming”, for instance.