This doesn’t have anything to do with LDing, but I thought some of you may know about this. Recently, more and more, I have been noticing that I remember things, like if I was watching my memories on a videotape, it would be flipped around, backwards. I would swear that a house, or some other place or scenario I’ve been to has been reversed. I don’t know if it’s happening more and more, or if I’m just noticing it more and more. Does this mean anything, or is it just something stupid? Any info would be great. thanks.
i have not heard anything about this before. Does it happen often? Have you told your doctor about it? does it bother you?
What do you mean it is reversed?
oh, if you mean its upside down i could clarify it for you… is that wha you mean? upside down? or do you mean watching your memmorys from the end, such as rewind???