They found rivers on Titan…! So far I only could find this picture maybe you can find better ones.
Rivers of what I wonder?
I must say i am dissapointed with esa so far… They promised to show us pictures, and what did they show us?? one single picture, even though they had already recieved like 300+ of them. I recall that nasa made the raw pictures avaliable in pretty much realtime…
seems like i am not alone on this: … index.html
“It’s a little disappointing we are only seeing one picture so far. ESA is not like NASA – the agency likes to keep its data close to the vest and does not release images as they stream down – as we have come to expect from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (in California). Too bad. It is self serving, clearly, but it is always better to share.”
The first images look very promising. I’m especially astounded by this one: … ens-1.html
As Carolyn Porco suggested: Imagine Lake Michigan brimming with paint thinner.
Even at this early stage the images are more exiting than i expected them to be, feeding my imagination for sure. Cleerly most of what we have seen in our universe exists in more than one place…and what have we seen? It makes me wonder that if humans can plant probes on distant and hostile planets maybe a lifeform a little bit more advanced has once done the same.
Here’s a different picture, but I don’t think it shows much. The other one is better.
37 pages of pics:
They still need to be processed, but some of them look already amazing!
Other links: … Y3E_0.html
Hear the sounds of Titan:
It seems they are liquid ethane or methane rivers.
There are 350 people working in the NASA public relations division, and only 20 at ESA. Be a little more patient !
Ethane… hmm, isn’t that what alcohol is made from?
By the way Basilus, what the heck is that in your signature?
Don’t you make a confusion with ethanol ? If they were people on Titan, I wonder what could be a life form based on ethylic substances ! Are they drunk when they drink water ?
LOL ! That’s R’lyehian language… the language of all the little and big Cthulhus… according to H.P. Lovecraft.
It means : “In his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming…”
And the link in my sig points towards a view of my sweet home, in the pretty little island of R’lyeh in South Pacific…
And about you, Fflarex… are you the same than Fixing Flare and Fflare ?
Yes, I was originally FixingFlare. Then I shortened it to FFlare and now I am fflarex. And yes I think I’m getting ethane confused with ethynol.
Check out the top of the last couple of photos on and the first few on…
Doesn’t that look alot like islands in a sea to anyone?
Life on other planets, or moons… We may be getting closer to hearing some big news about E.T.
I think Mars or Europa is our biggest chance of finding out if life ever existed in other places of our solar system.
This page has sharp mars-images: … ESD_0.html
hmm if only they could make such high-res images of titan.