Had a scary SP when I woke up. I had just had the usual night of long as hell NDs. At the end, I remember I was on my bed, it was night very dark. I was looking at a notebook that had a bunch of equations on it that my brother had apparently written. (thats the impression I got in the dream anyway) I don’t really remember the equations at all. But I knew that I would look at the equation, and then look to my door in the dream. The door would then open up a certain amount corresponding to the equation on the paper. It would then close again. This happened about 5 times. On the last one, the door didn’t open for a while. Then it opened and something came flying out of the door. Next think I know in the same position I was in the dream and I can’t move. There a black man-sized object standing infront of me, but it’s hard to see because there is a large white object standing infront of it aswell. I can’t really tell what they are. Also I hear this loud and horrible noise, like an engine starting or dieing down.(Except this engine sounded like it was made by the Devil or something) I knew this was all SP hallucination stuff the moment it started and I told myself to not fear(I think) but was still scary. I manged to get myself out of it in a few seconds.
I have had so many scary experiences while in SP that I am used to them now, I know that I will have fear but I know that nothing bad will happend. Many times is something or someone that I cant see that touches me in the neck or in other parts. Lately I fight hardly and I try to hit this thing, maybe is useles but being angry help fear goes away.
when people talk of these black, man shaped figures it always interests me. i wonder if there is an explanation for them? If you think beyond science, perhaps they are beings that assist us in our transition from the real world to the dream world?
I suspect many of the times is my own creation but I also suspect that many others where other beings, I cant be sure of anything because once you are in LD realm everything is so real, how can you distinguish your creation from something else?
Apparently they’re common to see while in SP. I’ve heard about them alot and they have been named the “shadow people”. I also have heard about people seeing them while fully awake and doing stuff.
Personally I believe that they only exist in one’s head(Although I’m open to the possibility that they are real) After getting into lucid dreaming and reading all about stages of sleep and what the mind is capable of I less believe in ghosts, aliens and stuff like that because I know realise what the mind is capable of. Always a possibility though.
But you are right, it’s wierd that so many people would see the same/similar thing.
Yeah I can definitely see why you believe in the occult less after researching so much about the mind. I no longer believe in all the abduction stories i read about anymore because it happens in SP a lot of the time. But as for spirits and ghosts, i still 100% believe in them.