Second Day.....

Yesterday I began keeping a dream journal…And my memory was so vivid! I could see everything about it, I can even today! But todays dream is so…clouded. All I remember is a small bit of music, and I’m not really that sure about even that.

I did try to tell myself all night that I was going to remember my dream, but apparently it failed…

Is this normal?

i’m not maybe the best person to tell you what to do… but maybe you want to remember it too much. i’ve done that many times, and then the next night i cant remember all the dreams as good as i normally do.

Yeah, I know the feeling…
It’s always good to go through the dream once again, when you wake up, just try to recall the whole dream from the begining to the end, before you open your eyes, I do it often, and it helps.
Good luck :tongue: