Seeing colours

I have an interesting type of experience.
If I lack sleep or fast, I can start to see colours.
Theese are like transparent paint spots around me, usually green,red,purple and yellow.
If I gaze in the dark at night(but don’t have to be totally dark)
I start to see them, and If I let myself wondering about them they become more powerful and bigger and more colours.
A few times I saw them daytime. But they are easier to see if I don’t sleep much.
Has anybody had such experiences?

Its from fatigue, your body is making up for the lack of sleep with hallucinations. After a few days of not sleeping you would be stricken with dimentia, I would advise you get some sleep.

I don’t stay awake for 24 hours. I can’t do that, however I tried :smile:. I only need to stay awake until mindight and I can see them easily. And sometimes I can see them during the day after meditation or daydreaming.
Anyway I usually don’t lack sleep because I like sleep a lot, but thanks for the advice :smile:.
The interesting is that if I gaze at them they become stronger. I thougth I could use it for inducing LDs but I haven’t tried yet.

i know what you mean. i hate it aswell when your falling asleep and then your suddenly woekn up and your all confused you could be being robbed and you wouldn’t know what the hell is goin on.

These colors are called hypnogogic imagery. They can pretty much be seen any time when you close your eyes. A more advanced state of them is hypnogogic hallucinations which is were the colors become vivd and appear to have definate shapes.

ye, i see when i close my eyes little coloured lines and dots all over the place. And i have experienced hypnogogic hallucinations. It is a very strange feeling because when i have expereicned HH i always seem to be moving and it feels sooo real.

It’s cool. I am happy to hear that this is a common thing.
But I don’t know why it is easier to see them with eyes open.
If I try to see them with closed eyes, I can loose my consciousness easily.
But I don’t know if they culd be used to induce some experience with open eyes. Can I see HH(with forms) with open eyes if I let them be very strong?
Once I tried that and they surrounded me to a degree that I hardly saw the things around me, but there were no shapes just colours. But it was not easy and I was frightened and haven’t tried it since.

i see the colours in a dark room with my eyes open. and if i concentrate these little red dots appear and start to get bigger. I let them get bigger then the disappear and start again. weird.

Typically you can see HI imagery antime you close your eyes. Darkness Helps. Then HH typically happen after you’ve been lying there for a while. They are often the beginning of a dream forming

Hey there, I remember that I was once told that everyone dreams in black and white and it is the mind that puts the colours in when we wake up. I have know idea if this is correct, the friend who was telling me seemed positive. Is this true?? I know I had a dream with a red bus!! Have anyone else heard that this can happen??

It’s not true :smile: Just go into a LD and check the colors, they are definately there! This friend probably didnt LD :tongue:

No, it isn’t always hypnagogic imagery. Sometimes it’s just phosphenes. (You always see them when you close your eyes and they’re red in strong light and blue/black in darkish light).

If they’re really very vivid, or they’re patterned, that’s hypnagogic imagery.

See the Wikipedia entry. Basically it’s the random firing of neurons.

i get bright electric blue colours playing tricks with my eyes occasionally. i have yet to figure out the reason it happens to me.

another strange thing i get occasionally is occular migraines. they seem to be stress related or cause by drinking too much stimulants. they cause disturbance with my eyesight, sometimes leading to partial but temporary blind spots (usually directly where i try to look). if i feel one coming on i go into a bit of a panic because i’ve been blinded for up to an hour at a time. scary!

it starts as ‘sparkles’ appearing in my peripheral vision, getting bigger and more intense…creeping into my normal line of sight then it’s as if a bright light has been shining in my eyes and all i can see is a blurriness in my peripheral vision and wherever i try to look, just a blackness.


probably too much acid, eh? j/k

reality.failure :panic:

I once had something where I couldn’t see something at all on the lowerleft side of my eye. Well I saw something, but it looked like static from a tv :bored: and it lasted for several hours too. And it was itching all the time :cry: