I’m relatively new here but have been lucid dreaming for quite some time. I let it slide for awhile and now I’m catching up to my former level.
Does anyone else have problems with self-sabotage, or is it just me? I’ll be ready to get that important information, or meet with the important DC, or whatever, and right before it happens I’ll wake up. It’s not that I lose visuals, it’s that I wake up immediately.
It’s like there’s an obnoxious, unconscious part of me going, “Hahaha! I’m not going to let you get what you want!” It’s total self-sabotage and it’s really irritating me - I have no idea why I’m doing this to myself.
Anyone successfully overcome this? Or am I just weird? Ok, I already know I’m weird
In case you are Lucid, there are thechniques to keep lucidity and not wake up. In case you were normal dreaming and woke up right on the moment, you should try autosuggestion (tell yourself you’ll stay asleep next time) and—well, how are your sleeping habits? Are you comfortable with them?
I’m aware of the techniques to sustain lucidity - the one I used last time was to rub my hands together. I even remembered to do this right before I asked the important question so that I didn’t wake up, but no good - it still happened.
I’m not sure what you mean by “comfortable with my sleeping habits,” can you clarify?
I don’t think you’re weird. I’ve read bunches of LD’s in which the dreamer woke up just when an important event will occur (meeting their dream guide, having a important revelation, etc.) I don’t think it’s overexcitation, though it could be an explanation, because it seems they woke up naturally. I found this phenomenon to be rather curious…
Bruno I have the comfort of sleep down to a science thanks to my neighbor’s barking dogs and the evil sun. Give me a sleep mask, silicone earplugs, and two body pillows and I am perfectly happy! As for the time factor, no issues there. The fear thing might be an issue - I don’t feel afraid, but sometimes I am confronting nightmares. For instance the last dream I was trying to confront a spider nightmare, but when I tried to find the spider, I found a girl whose name was Arachne and she was pleasant enough, not scary, and that’s when I woke up. But the spider part was.
Petter I don’t feel overexcited but perhaps I am subconsciously, which is even more annoying!
Grab something nearby that is solid and that you can hold onto and rub your hands all over. Do not shut your eyes or do anything that may make you lose your visuals. Also, do not over do your positive self talk to stay in the dream. Just relax and let maintaining the lucid dream state happen on its own.