Serious Help Needed

i have clear dreams
even very strange ones. like my class room has no walls etc
BUT instead of thinking why my classroom didnt have any walls i went and started a conversation with my friends.

this is the problem :cry:
i am unable to perform RC . And so only when i wake up from sleep i realise – Ohh… i was dreaming :bored:

well i have no clue what is to be done now??


This is really the same with most people. The idea of the reality check is to be come accustomed to questioning reality but they can take time to work. It’s not something that is going to change quickly, it takes time and dedication and RCing several times per day.

Some people genuinely can’t RC to LD. In these cases the only real option is to use another method such as WILD, MILD, Directed Dreaming/Dream Incubation. Look around the forum for tips on these methods, but at the same time, don’t stop doing RCs, you never know one day it could start working for you.

What did you mean when you said
TO perform RCing several times a day
do we practice RCs when i am awake??? :neutral:

Yes. RCs are supposed to be done while awake.

The point is to do something simple, looking at your hands for example while you are awake so that you be come more subconsciously aware of what they look like. Question whether they are real and if something is wrong with them, do they have extra fingers etc.

Eventually in dreams your subconscious should start to mimick your waking life RCs and ask the questions whether it is dreaming or reality. You should start to become aware of things that are “wrong” and trigger lucidity.

well what can i say

thanks a MILLON :cool_laugh:
i am RCing right now
wait is this a dream??
only 5 fingers, same right time, every thing normal
yes i’ll keep performing RCs
thanks again

P.S- i visited i think its cool
i am really into things like E.S.P

Hahaha, reality checks also pass the time when you’re bored. You get funny looks if you try and stick your finger through your hand or breath through your fingers in class though.

a quick tip on RCs, do them at three major times.

when you wake up
many times during the day
and when you go to sleep

If you do them every time you wake up, you’ll become more accustomed to catching false awakenings in dreams.
When you do them at night, you get your mind questioning your reality right before sleep.
Doing them during the day just adds more RC experience to your belt.

In closing, Reality Checks are an amazing technique that will help you immensely in the long run. I’m sure that you’ll get it in no time :content:

hey there
thanks to all of you of all your help.
i’m really looking forward to doing some RC tonight.
thanks once again. :wink: