Shapeshifting troubles.

I read the methods listed in the Morphing methods topic, however, the closest I’ve gotten is using verbal commands; I sort of turned into this weird thing shaped like a dragon, but far from it. of course, I tried to describe what I wanted to morph into, but I woke up (I assume the dream was near ending anyways.) Is it nearly required that I describe fully what I wish to turn into, or can I visualize it?

I’ve never tried that (or wanted to!) The concept always seemed too bizarre to be honest. I would much rather morph objects that are not myself or try to metamorphasize someone I know or like to explore the dream with…

Hey, why not try it? It’s just a dream, after all ^^

I havn’t tried this yet, but I’ve discovered dream bodies are quite flexible :razz: Like being able to stand / hover straight and still grab your feet with your hands.

i’ve morphed into other humans, but never into an animal or another creature…i cant imagine what it would be like to feel my arms turn into wings or something like that :eek:

I for one have found shape-shifting to be the most difficult obstacle in lucid dreaming.

In my experience, any time I try to transform myself into an animal, I end up as nothing but a human crouched, spread or otherwise posed in an animal like fashion (and looking very silly in the process).
Something about my dream body just refuses to take the shape I want it to. Occasionally I can force a set of wings on myself, but they don’t feel like they are a part of my body. They’re more like if I had a robotic set of wings strapped to my back.

i never seem to have trouble morphing. i like to turn into a grey alien with wings.:content: the way i morph is look at myself in a mirror turn away from the mirror, think of what i want to look like and look back at the mirror, and there, i have morphed :content:

Hi Asema,

Shouting verbal commands work generally well in LD’s. A thing I tried and which worked was looking at my hands and forearms and transforming them into the creature I wanted.

I think another good tip is to try to feel like the creature you are transforming into. Hard to explain, I think, but it helps.

Thanks for all the help. I also hear description goes a long way, though with objects (such as weapons or cans of cola) I never feel the need to describe it, as I know perfectly what a sword or can of cola looks like.